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Lady Bits

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Everyone’s eyesare on the couple at the front of the church exchanging their vows. I should be doing the same, but no matter how much I try, I can’t snatch my gaze from the beautiful woman standing off to the side. She looks gorgeous in a strapless, lavender dress that molds perfectly over her curvy body. Her hair is done up in some weird twist that leaves her neck and shoulders bare.

She smiles with tears in her eyes as she watches Penelope and Kai exchange their vows. Every so often, she glances at me, and we share a smile.

I catch myself on several occasions putting Harley in the place of Penelope with me standing beside her. Despite Mom wishing otherwise, I’ve never been in a rush to get married. I knew it would eventually happen when I found the right woman. Unfortunately, time went by and I never found a woman I could see spending the rest of my life with.

Looking at Harley now, I realize I’ve been looking in the wrong place. Who knew the woman of my dreams would be here in my hometown; the place I swore I would never live in again when I left for college. Silver Falls was too small for my tastes, and I hated that everyone knew everyone’s business.

Once the ceremony is over and Penelope and Kai are introduced as husband and wife, they walk back down the aisle and leave the small church, the wedding party following closely behind. When Harley walks by, I want to yank her to me and lay the mother of all kisses on her. We slept apart last night—something we haven’t done in weeks—because all four sisters stayed at Penelope’s place. I only saw her for a brief moment this morning when she stopped by my house to grab her make-up bag. I didn’t see her again until she was walking down the aisle, and she knocked me on my ass with the dress she’s wearing. I plan to do dirty things to her later while she still wears her dress.

I wait to leave the church until almost everyone has left so I don’t have to fight the crowd. As soon as I’m outside, I start toward the big tent where the reception is being held that’s set up behind the church. I swear, half of the town has to be here. With the church being so small, Penelope and Kai had to limit the invitations to the actual wedding, but any and all were invited to the reception.

Spotting Harley talking with Charlotte and Bryan, I head in that direction. Charlotte, who I’ve learned is a friend of the Adair sisters, isn’t a native to Silver Falls, but Bryan is. He was a year below me in school. His arm is casually draped over Charlotte’s shoulders as I approach.

I come to a stop by Harley’s side, her smile radiant as she tips her head back, and I drop mine for a brief kiss. I wrap an arm around her waist and she snuggles against my side.

“The wedding was beautiful, wasn't it?” she asks.

“It was.”

“Penelope looked so beautiful and happy up there. I would have never guessed she would marry a man so young and playful as Kai, but I think she made the perfect choice,” she says.

“I think the news of her and Kai shocked us all,” Charlotte inserts. “I guess what they say about opposites attract is true. They couldn’t be more different from each other, but they make the perfect match.”

“Only a few more weeks and you’ll be the beautiful bride in that church,” Harley comments.

Charlotte smiles up at Bryan. “And I can’t wait for that day to get here.”

“Me too, baby.”

They share a secret look and a kiss before Charlotte brings her eyes forward, looking at me for a moment before settling her eyes on Harley. Something mischievous sparks in their depths. “Who knows. Maybe you’ll be a bride sooner rather than later.”

I hold still, waiting on Harley’s reaction. If it were up to me, I’d march us into the church right now and have the pastor marry us. But I still don’t know how Harley feels. Would she say yes if I asked her to marry me?

Harley’s shoulder lifts against my side and she says, “Maybe.” The answer leaves me disappointed because it does shit to give away her feelings.

Dropping my arm from her waist, I grab her hand. I turn my attention to Charlotte and Bryan. “You guys mind if I steal Harley away for a bit?”

“Nope. Go right ahead. I’m going to go ask Penelope what florist she used because the flower arrangements are gorgeous. My current florist is giving me trouble, so I may be in need of another.”

“And that’s my cue to go find the guys.” Bryan chuckles when Charlotte slaps his stomach with the back of her hand.

Leaving the pair, I pull Harley behind me, walking out of the tent and heading toward the church. I force myself to slow down, conscious that she’s wearing heels. I’m tempted to pick her up to get to where I’m going faster.

Harley laughs. “Where in the world are we going and why are we in such a hurry?”

I toss my answer over my shoulder. “There’s something important I need to do, and I need you there for it.”

“Okaaay,” she draws the word out.

Stepping through the back door of the church, I walk down a hallway and come to a stop by the door I was looking for. Twisting the knob, I push the door open and usher Harley inside, then close it behind us. Harley looks around the small room before spinning around to face me.

“Uh… Carter, why are we in a utility closet?”

I stalk toward her, and with each step I take, she takes one backward. She’s forced to stop when her back hits a wall. I drop my hands to the outside of her thighs and slowly start to work up her silky dress. Her breath hitches and her head thumps back against the wall.

“Because it’s the most private room in the church at the moment.”

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