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I Bet You'll Be Mine

Page 24

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“But then he was like ‘me and Zander are pals, he’s not gonna do anything.’”

“Uh oh…”

“Right?” I reply. “So I wonder if maybe Zander like…wasn’t okay with me being around his men and being hit on them and all that, but at the same time wasn’t okay with actually doing anything about it. Because before he moved me downstairs to the front desk to get me away from them…”

“And so instead of disciplining them and telling them to stay away from you, he just fires you to eliminate the problem altogether?” Mel suggests.


In a way, it seems farfetched, but if you’d asked me yesterday if there was a chance in the world that Zander would fire me from his company, I’d say no chance in hell, so right now, maybe it’s not.

“I can see that actually,” Mel replies.

And if Mel, who has much more experience with men than I do, thinks it could be true, then right now, I’m inclined to go with it.


“Yeah.” She nods. “Either that, or he was just using you the entire time. But really, at the end of the day, does it matter?”

My heart feels like it’s been torn out of my chest and then stomped on by a hippopotamus. How could Zander ever made me feel so safe and so loved? And will I ever be able to feel that way again?

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