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Flirting with the Rock Star Next Door

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I looked down at myself. “T-shirts and jeans okay?” I should have something respectable. And my vanity had some makeup I used for signings and conferences.

Mir gasped, scandalized. “Sam’s Brew has dress code. We’d be kicked out in T-shirts and jeans.”

“A place in this town has a dress code?” You’ve got to be kidding. “What am I supposed to wear, then?”

“Something sexy, of course.”

I mentally reviewed my closet’s contents. There was nothing that could be labeled sexy. Now I was already beginning to regret agreeing to this so-called celebration, because I realized I’d have to do more than just eat ice cream or watch something on Netflix with a huge bucket of popcorn. I contained a sigh. This was too high maintenance.

She studied me, her eyes narrowed. “We need to go shopping.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


After I tied my hair into a ponytail, Mir pulled me into her car and drove us to the small strip mall where Sunny’s Mart was located. A boutique with a colorful blue and purple sign that read “Fashionista’s Dream” stood at the opposite end. I stared at it in shock. I hadn’t realized clothing stores existed in this town for some reason. But of course Kingstree would have at least one. It wasn’t like the people here were walking around naked.

Mir led me into the store. Actually, herded might be a better word, since she was behind me, blocking my exit should I change my mind. Thin gray industrial-grade carpet muffled our footsteps. The store had multiple sections—clothes, shoes and accessories for babies, children and adults. It even sold underwear in one corner. The fluorescent lights cast bright but harsh illumination. The place looked a bit claustrophobic, due to the low ceiling. But at least that meant everything was within my reach. I hated asking for help from clerks, because that meant interacting with people.

A middle-aged lady with reddish hair and murky green eyes came toward us waving both hands. Her colorful, loose tunic sleeves fluttered to the movements of her arms. “Well, hello, Mir!”

“Hey, Val!”

“You visiting with a friend?”

Mir laughed, her cheeks red. “This is Killian’s next-door neighbor, Emily.”

“Oh my goodness.” Val put a hand over her generous chest. “I never thought I’d run in to you. Thought you were a legend, like the yetis!”

“Not a legend,” I murmured. I just preferred to keep to myself, which didn’t make me a yeti. But if I had it my way, I’d have remained a legend. A hermit legend.

“Apparently not.” She stared at me with an uncomfortably bright gleam in her eyes. “Heard from Jo Anne that you wanted to have Killian arrested for playing the drums. Is that true?”

My jaw slackened. What was she talking about?

“You did?” Mir said.

“No. Who is Jo Anne and why would she say that?” I demanded, annoyed by the gossip. ?

??And why would anyone believe it?”

“She’s one of the 911 dispatchers here,” Mir said. “Knows everything about everyone.”

Then it clicked. That woman who’d told me to be happy about the “free” concert. Ugh. I resisted an urge to pinch the bridge of my nose, since I was wearing glasses. But my head was hurting, and I was embarrassed. I hadn’t realized this Jo Anne person would tell everyone. Shouldn’t she keep things confidential? 911 dispatchers should sign NDAs.

“Well, she’s wrong. I never tried to have him arrested. Just called in one complaint about noise pollution,” I said. “Anyway, we’re here to shop,” I added before Val started to share more ludicrous tales.

Mir snapped her fingers. “Oh, right.”

“You need a basket?” Val gestured at a stack of plastic black baskets. “Or we have carts, if you prefer.”

“I’m good, thanks,” I said before Mir could respond, then marched deeper into the store where a sign that read WOMEN was located.

“A basket might be nice,” Mir said, following me.

“I only need one outfit, not a basketful.”

“Yeah, but you might want more for later.”

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