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Baby for the Bosshole

Page 81

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I didn’t mean for Sasha to see it. Not when I have no idea what I’m going to do about my new medical condition. “Hey, at least it’s not early onset menopause.”

My best friend looks at me like I’ve just lost my mind. When I merely stare back at her, her expression shifts to worry. “Um…yay…?” she says.

“I guess. Yeah. Yay.”

She parks herself next to me on the bathroom floor. She’s probably decided mental intervention is more urgent. “Okay. What’s going on?”

“Well, unless this stick is defective…” I gesture.

“Is it?” Her tone reminds me of my kindergarten teacher talking to a child in denial.

“Probably not…?” The last part comes out in an oh-my-God-what-do-I-do whine.

“Do you know who the father is?”

I nod slowly. Emmett Lasker. Holy shit. I’m pregnant with Emmett’s baby!

The fact is sinking in, heavier than a stone descending into the oceanic abyss.

“So…are you going to talk to him about it?”

“I don’t know.” This pregnancy is a major surprise, the kind Emmett will hate to hear about.

Sasha thinks for a moment. “It’s not Rick’s, is it?”

I almost gag. “Hell no! I had my period since the last time I had sex with Rick, so I’m safe.”

“Sorry. Had to make sure. I’m glad it isn’t his.”

“You’re glad…?”

We both start laughing. But if the child were his, I wouldn’t be this conflicted, since there’s no way I’d let him back into my life.

But does Emmett want to be a dad? If so, can he be a good one?

He’s intelligent. Rich. And surprisingly fun. But he’s also contrary, arbitrary, unpredictable and loves to escalate just for the hell of it. He also has no problem sticking a knife into your heart and twisting it if he doesn’t think you measure up.


A child is going to need a dad who’s going to be there, in their corner no matter what. At the same time, the dad has to be firm and teach the kid right from wrong, instill good moral character and discipline. To be empathetic yet fair, be kind without getting taken advantage of. A dad who will provide the stability the child needs to feel secure.

Emmett can probably pull all that off if he’s willing and puts his mind to it. But that’s a big if.

“Okay. The first thing you should decide is if you want to keep the child,” Sasha says.

I turn to look at her.

“All this is moot if you don’t want to keep it.”

I run a trembling hand through my hair. “You’re right. It’s just… Not keeping the baby never crossed my mind.”

“You’re in shock.” Sasha pats my hand.

“No kidding.” The words are unsteady. “This was not part of the plan. Damn it, I have a job offer and interviews. A career.” A career that requires you make appointments to see your significant other. “You can’t work in finance with a baby.”

Sasha’s quiet for a while. “It’s certainly going to be challenging, unless you have an understanding boss.”

Which Marion Blaire probably isn’t going to be. Nobody wants a new hire who requires coddling. And maternity leave within a year.

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