Baby for the Bosshole - Page 103

I force a quick smile. “Yeah. It’s all good.” As I speak, I realize I haven’t seen him since I spoke to him about the deliverable yesterday. It’s crazy how busy we are that we don’t see each other much, even while we’re on the same floor. If we worked for different firms like Peggy and her husband, we really would have to make appointments.

The baby’s going to need its father, and taking the offer from the Blaire Group is going to be a bad move for both of you.

Well, yeah. I’ll have to stay here if I decide to marry Emmett.

He looks around, then lowers his voice. “Can you stop by my place when you’re done?”

Finally a chance to talk about what’s on my mind. “Yes. I’d like that very much.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


I’m standing in front of the elevators at six p.m. Grant raises his eyebrows as he passes by.

“Not ordering in tonight?” he says.

“Nope. Heading home.”

He stops in mid-stride. “You feeling okay?”

“Sure. Why?”

“It’s barely six. Fever? Upset stomach? There must be something.”

“I’m not sick. Just wanted to practice a little work-life balance today.”

“Good lord, the world is ending. I should check the news, see if some giant meteor is about to destroy us all.”

I sigh and step into the waiting elevator. Grant doesn’t have to act like Armageddon has arrived just because I’m leaving a little early. Although honestly, it does feel strange. But I need to prep my home before Amy comes over, so I can make my case.

I know we both work a lot, and our lifestyle might not be conducive for raising a child. I’ve seen how things are in our profession.

On the other hand, I’m not going to let her take on the full burden. It’s my kid, too. Plus, money can solve a lot of problems, often in ways that she might not be aware of. I want to have her focus a little more on that. Let her know she’s not on her own, whether she marries me or not, although I prefer that she does. It’s just a logical step.

Is that all? my mind whispers.

What else do I need? Love? I have no clue what love is or what it should feel like. Isn’t it enough that Amy and I have amazing chemistry, we’re both smart, we understand each other’s careers and we get along? That’s more important than something as vague as love.

Once I’m home and in the living room, I text her.

–Me: When do you think you’ll be coming by?

–Amy: Half an hour. I just left the office.

–Me: What do you want for dinner?

–Amy: Pepperoni pizza?

–Me: Done!

I place an order, then check the fridge to make sure I have her favorite sparkling pink lemonade. There’s an entire case.


Amy pulls in a minute after the pizza arrives. She walks breezily through the door, her purse slung over her shoulder. She looks gorgeous, her eyes bright and her mouth sweet and full. The pregnancy books all said the glow doesn’t happen until later, but she already looks like she swallowed a banquet full of stars.

“Wanna eat first?” She’s pregnant and eating for one and a half. Some say you eat for two when you’re pregnant, but according to the books, the baby’s the size of a poppy seed. It’s just too small to get full personhood yet.

Tags: Nadia Lee Romance
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