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Baby for the Bosshole

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Emma stops the car in front of my apartment building.

“Sorry the party turned out to be such a disappointment,” she says softly.

“Don’t be. It was enlightening.” I force a smile. “Thanks for the ride.”

I hop out of the car, not looking back. Once I’m back in my apartment, I shower, then draft an email to Emmett.

Chapter Forty-Five


The pool area is a heaving mass of humanity, and I can’t spot Amy in the milling, drunken crowd. They’re still playing the ridiculous spooge game, and their loud cheers and yells grate on my nerves. If I were in charge, I’d end the party now and throw everyone out.

I text her, but she doesn’t answer. Probably can’t hear the notification in this noise.

Okay, I need to get her out of this mess. I run into Huxley, who’s chatting with a redhead who is clinging to him like a silicone-enhanced octopus. “Have you seen Amy anywhere?”

He frowns, doing his best to pull away from the woman. “She’s around here somewhere. I saw her with your mom not too long ago.”

That brings my anxiety down a notch. Mom has undoubtedly explained to her that all the idiocy at this party is Dad’s idea. She’s good at smoothing ruffled feathers.

I pull out my phone and text Mom.

–Me: Is Amy with you?

There’s no immediate response. Either she can’t hear the notification or she’s too busy talking to Amy. I hope it’s the latter. Mom has a calm style of communication, which is exactly what Amy needs at the moment.

Trying to settle my anger and nerves, I finish a beer. My phone vibrates in my hand.

–Mom: I just dropped her off at her place.

Shit. She left without telling me? Then again, it might be for the best that Amy is away from this clusterfuck.

–Me: Did you talk to her?

–Mom: A little.

–Me: How did she take it?

–Mom: Hard to tell. She didn’t say much.

I shove m

y fingers into my hair and clench it. The prickling pain helps me gather my thoughts.

Amy is probably stewing. She’s smart as hell and has good instincts, but beyond that, she’s careful. She likes to take time to make plans that are most likely to lead to success and then stick to them. Most importantly, she doesn’t like taking risks in her personal life.

Engaging in a “sex-only fling” with me was probably a huge gamble for her. I don’t want anything to happen that will make her regret that choice.

I start toward my car. I’m done with this damned party. Dad can prance around and have fun, but I’m going to Amy’s place to make sure she’s okay.

Just as I climb inside my Lamborghini, another text arrives. I check the phone immediately, hoping it’s Amy. But nope.

–Mom: I think she needs some time to herself to process what happened. I don’t suppose you warned her?

–Me: No.

–Mom: You should have.

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