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Baby for the Bosshole

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“The new place didn’t tell you?”

“They kind of did, but…it’s in Virginia. And it’s private equity. The people there work a lot. And honestly, I don’t know if I belong there.” As I say that, it dawns on me that I had that sense of belonging at GrantEm. Sure, I was upset over what Emmett said when he hired me, but the people at the firm respected me. They knew I was the best associate—

“Sure you do!” Dad says. “Who told you that you don’t belong? You went to Harvard! Got an MBA at Wharton! You’re the smartest person I know!”

I smile through the hot unshed tears. “Thanks, Dad. But it’s complicated.”

Then I proceed to unload everything Heather told me.

“I just feel so torn,” I add. “Going there is the smart, safe thing to do.”

“But you don’t want to go,” he says, cutting through all my messy emotions.

“I don’t know if

I want to be surrounded by people who won’t like me just because of where I worked before or who my new boss is.”

“Then don’t go.”

“But I can’t be without a job. Especially now.”

“Amy, sometimes in life you have to take risks.”

“Risks? I have a baby on the way.”

“Your child won’t want to see you get beat down by jerks who already made up their mind about you.” He sighs. “Honey, I know you. You’re careful—you always make sure what you’re about to do isn’t going to have a negative impact on your life, even if it doesn’t turn out so well. I’ve never seen anybody plan out an exit strategy as well as you do, and that’s something coming from a Marine.

“I’m going to tell you something, okay? I’ve always wanted to tell you, but never got to because you seem to have your life so well in order. But this seems to be the time.

“You can’t have the perfect exit strategy for everything. There’s no contingency plan that can eliminate all the risks. You can only do your best. And it sounds like if you go to this place in Virginia, you won’t be doing your best. You’ll be settling. You’ll be going into a situation where people won’t give you a fair chance and will treat you badly. You know you deserve better, and this would be a major step backward in that career you worked so hard for. That’s why you told me you couldn’t be without a job, without any of the excitement you had when you had an offer from your current place or that bank before you started your MBA.” He pauses for a moment. “You can be without a job for a few weeks until you find something that puts fire in your blood. I already told you I’m in your corner, sweetie. If money’s what’s holding you back, I can help out.”

“Dad! I can’t take your money!”

“Of course you can. I’m your father. Taking care of you, no matter how old or how independent you think you are, is what I’m supposed to do—what I love to do. I love you, Amy, and don’t forget it. You’re not alone in this.”

Tears streak my face. I wipe them with my fingers, then try to breathe evenly so he doesn’t know I’m crying.

“Follow your heart, sweetie. Do what feels right. Don’t spend all your life worrying about risks and contingencies. Most of the time, the worst things you think can happen don’t.”

“But didn’t it? When you had to quit being a marine to raise me and Mom split? Wasn’t it the worst thing ever?” I say, still feeling guilty about the sacrifice he made.

“Are you kidding? I have my health, I have my brain and good sense—and I have the most beautiful girl in the world in my care. What’s so awful about that? Could things have been better? Yeah, sure. But it wasn’t even close to the worst thing ever, Amy. You’re a blessing. You deserve everything good in life, and I wish you’d have a bit more faith in the world and yourself that things will work out for the best. The world isn’t as dangerous or terrible as you think.”

As I take his words in, all the weight and pressure I’ve been carrying start to float away. I feel like I can finally breathe freely.

I sniffle. “Thank you, Dad. I love you so much.”

“I love you too. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, and do all the things I would do, but better.”

I laugh a little. “Thanks.”

We hang up. I blow my nose and have a glass of water. Then I take my phone and type up an email for Marion.

To: Marion Blaire

From: Amy Sand

Subject: About the offer

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