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Baby for the Bosshole

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–Sasha: Haha, very funny! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to work and think about what I’m going to do with the five Benjis you’re gonna hand over. Hehehe.

Chapter Fifty-Two


To say that I’m skeptical would be a very large understatement, but I follow Sasha’s advice. She’s right about it catching a man’s attention, of course. But this is Emmett—who is no ordinary man.

Sasha says that the right attitude is owning the entire space. Keep my shoulders back, chest out and spine straight. Strut like I’m the queen of the world.

I can do most of that. But strutting like the queen of the world is going to take a lot of faking. I guess all there is to do is try my best.

I debate between the office and his home. He’s always at the office, but then, so are other people. I don’t want to wait until everyone’s gone except him. Logistically speaking…

Actually, never mind. I don’t have a GrantEm employee badge anymore.

His place is the only option. We’ll have all the privacy we need. And if our discussion doesn’t go the way I hope, at least I won’t have to walk past other people and pretend I’m okay.

So at nine in the evening, I drive to Emmett’s place. He doesn’t usually leave this early, but there’s always the possibility. Best to be prepared.

Surprisingly enough, my passcode still works to open the gates. So I pull my car up to the driveway in front of the main entrance. The lights, triggered by sensors along the way, start glowing at my approach. His car isn’t anywhere in sight, and none of the windows in his home are lit.

I cut the engine and wait in silence, mentally going over what I’m going to say. But eventually, that isn’t enough to keep me engaged.

I take out my phone. No wonder people do social media. It’s gotta be awful to be in your own head all the time when you have downtime. I haven’t had much downtime, so this is new.

A new email notification pops up from Marion.

To: Amy Sand

From: Marion Blaire

Subject: Re: About the offer


I don’t understand. Are you turning down the offer? If so, can I ask why?



Sigh. I don’t suppose “no” is going to be enough. Why do people ask yes/no questions when they don’t want a yes/no answer?

But I should probably tell him. It’s obvious that nobody at the Blaire Group is going to clue him in about his ridiculous HR decisions.

To: Marion Blaire

From: Amy Sand

Subject: Re: About the offer


I don’t think the culture would work for me. People seem uncomfortable about the fact that I’d be

working for you after having worked at GrantEm Capital under Emmett Lasker. I prefer to work with colleagues who are congenial and friendly, and I hope you understand.


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