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Faking It with the Frenemy

Page 28

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Does she actually want me to have her dad arrested? What the hell kind of dick is he? “Yeeeees,” I say, suddenly unsure.

She gives me a considering look. “Would he be in jail for long?”

“I don’t know. Probably not that long.” Back in Corn Meadows, Mr. Felder went in and out of jail for being a drunken lout and a wife beater, but he never spent that much time inside his cell. His lawyer always got him off.

I reach for my wine and take a sip. Maybe I should’ve bought something stronger.

Vi shakes her head. “I don’t want to do that. I heard jail sucks. All they do is toss each other’s salad all the time.” She makes a face.

I choke and sputter, but I’m too stunned to care about wine stains. “Where did you learn that? You’re only ten!”

“So?” She looks at me like I’m the dumb one. “I’m old enough to know about jail. But seriously, who wants to eat salad all the time? Talk about a punishment.”

Oh my God. Torn between laughter, horror and relief, I cover my face. Thankfully, there are three knocks on the door.

I turn to her. “I think that’s your dad.”

Her shoulders droop. “I know.”

“Cheer up.” I squeeze her hand and go answer the door with a smile…

Only to see Wyatt on the other side. “You! What are you doing here?” Did he come over to demand I honor that dumb bet?

He doesn’t look any happier than I feel. “I’m here for Vi.”

“Vi?” I gape at him. “You’re her dad?”

He nods curtly. “She’s here, right?”

“Yeah.” I step aside automatically so he can come in, even as my brain’s having

trouble processing this bizarre turn of events.

Hands on hips, Wyatt walks over and stops in front of Vi, vibrating with annoyance. “Young lady, you’re in so much trouble!”

“Why? I already did my homework.” She flips her hair over a shoulder. Her hair’s now neatly brushed and just slightly teased to give it some volume.

“You know why! Did you make Lori think you were with your mother?”

Guilt flashes through her gaze, but she shrugs. “Why would I do that? Mom wanted to come see me, but couldn’t because something went wrong with the wedding plan. She said she tried to call you, but you didn’t answer…as usual.”

I almost shake my head. The girl is a terrible liar. She should at least look him in the eye when she lies. That way it seems more believable.

Wyatt is livid. “You’re so grounded!”

Vi’s stubborn expression says, What else is new?

“Wyatt.” When he looks at me, I incline my head toward the door. “You can have your family argument once you’re home.”

Wyatt glares like I’m the cause of the situation between him and his daughter. I stare back levelly. It’s not like I did anything wrong.

Eventually he relaxes slightly and inhales. “Thank you for taking care of Vi.”

It couldn’t sound more begrudging, but whatever. “No problem.”

“Vi, let’s go,” he says.

She grabs the cat. “Thanks for dinner, Kim.”

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