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Faking It with the Frenemy

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I turn my head, and hot lust seizes me. A stylish brunette in designer clothes and shoes is with her. But Kim looks better. Sweeter. More touchable. Her lips are bright red, tempting me like a bullfighter’s cape.

Shit. Stop thinking like that.

Too late. My mind is already conjuring up how she felt in my arms when I kissed her in the hall. Sweet. Delectable. Hot as hell. The memory heats my blood, which is flowing in the wrong direction—again! Damn it. I do not need this kind of physical reaction when I’m out shopping with my child.

Then the brunette starts talking about some guy named Byron Pearce. The name is vaguely familiar—somebody David mentioned once as someone I should meet.

But the more the brunette and Kim talk, the more irritated and annoyed I become. If Kim needs somebody to “scratch her itch,” she doesn’t need this Byron guy. And she certainly does not need that sexy red dress the brunette is holding, or any Jimmy Choos. And she definitely does not need to go to this art gallery thing and try to catch the man’s attention.

I haven’t even met the guy, and I already hate him.

Not because I’m jealous. It’s not that kind of thing. It’s just that… Kim needs to focus on finding me a date to Geneva’s wedding.

Without thinking, I move toward them, cross my arms and shoot the brunette my most disapproving look. It’s the look I’ve been reserving for Vi’s first boyfriend. “Red isn’t Kim’s

best color.”

Kim turns around, her face going tight. “What are you doing here?”

Despite the hostility bristling through her, she’s cute. And she smells amazing. Like ripe peach and flora body wash. I shift a bit to ease the pressure down below.

“Buying a dress for Vi,” I say, praying that talking about my daughter will cool me off a bit. And it does, as long as I hold my breath so I don’t smell Kim or look at her mouth or tits. So I keep my gaze squarely on hers. “But I have no idea where the girls’ dresses are.” I look over my shoulder and see Vi talking with a clerk. Hopefully she isn’t asking how much the plunge-to-the-navel neckline dress costs. “Maybe she’s finding out.”

“Why does she look like she’s here to buy a hazmat suit?” the brunette asks.


“She looks…grim. Way too serious.”

Kim nods. “Most girls are happy to shop.” Her narrowed brown eyes say she blames me for Vi’s lack of shopping joy.

I glance at Vi again, who does look a little concerned. Wonder why. Has she sensed my discomfiture at being in the mall? I haven’t set a budget or vetoed anything…yet.

But I gotta admit, I’m feeling lost. I thought once we got here, the dress Vi needs would just, I don’t know, materialize on a rack in front of us. But I don’t even know exactly what she should wear to Geneva’s wedding. All I’m sure of is that Vi wants something more than just a dress. She wants to make an impression, although it better not be of the Hollywood sex symbol variety.

“We’re struggling,” I say. There’s no way to hide it. And there’s no shame in admitting that you haven’t mastered something yet. “Actually, I’m struggling. I’m not exactly sure what she should be wearing.”

Kim purses her mouth for a moment. “If you want, I can help.”

“Really?” I didn’t expect her to do anything more than the absolute minimum to fulfill our contract. Then I look at how she’s dressed, and think about how she’s always so perfectly outfitted, and relief loosens the knot in my chest. “Well, yeah, that’d be great. Thank you.”

“My friend Josephine here”—Kim gestures at the brunette—“is a personal shopper extraordinaire. Her service is very exclusive, so you’ll have to be prepared to pay big.”

Josephine blinks, then leans over and whispers something furiously into Kim’s ear. Kim whispers back, and they go back and forth like that.

What is this, some secret clubhouse code? Or maybe Kim is explaining to Josephine what Vi needs.

Vi comes over. “Kim! I didn’t know you were here!”

I haven’t seen such an openly joyful expression on Vi’s face for so long that it’s hard to take a breath. And it’s Kim who put it there. An odd mix of tangled emotions pulses through me.

Kim looks back at her with a wide grin. “Just doing a little shopping with my friend.” She gestures at Josephine. “This is Josephine Martinez. Josephine, meet Vi.”

Vi stares up at Josephine with her mouth open. “Wow. You look amazing,” she whispers.

Josephine is dressed to the nines, if you want to look like you’re ready to go to a fancy restaurant, but I like the way Kim’s dressed better. Like someone you could share cheeseburgers and fries and a couple of cold beers with.

Josephine beams. “I know. I’ll make you look as good as me.” She winks and takes Vi away to a different section.

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