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Faking It with the Frenemy

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“Hello? Um… Is Kim there?”

I blink at the familiar young voice. “Vi?”

“Oh, hi!” She sounds much perkier.

This is weird. Didn’t Wyatt tell Vi what happened? Maybe not in detail, but that we aren’t together anymore? “Hey. What are you doing calling me at the office? You having trouble reaching your dad?”

“No. I wanted to call you over the weekend, but I didn’t have your cell phone number. I couldn’t ask Dad because I didn’t want him to know I was calling you.”

You didn’t? My wariness slides up a notch. “What do you want to talk about?”

There’s a moment of silence. “Is he okay?”

“Fine, I think… Why don’t you ask him?” What makes her think she should check with me?

“It’s pointless to ask him over the phone. He’ll just fake it.”

Fake it…?

“He’s always pretending. You know.”

“Actually, I don’t. What do you mean?” What kind of impression has Wyatt been giving his kid? I shouldn’t care, but I do. Something like this could mess up his custody battle with Geneva.

“He pretends like he’s fine, especially when he thinks I’m worried about him and Mom. But I can tell. I’m not a baby. And he’s terrible at lying, anyway.”

“I see.” Whew. This isn’t as bad as I imagined at first. Or, at least, I don’t think so. Should I let Wyatt know anyway?

“Do you think it’ll be better if I go live with you instead?” Vi asks suddenly.

“Me?” Oh, hon. Your dad wouldn’t marry me, not even to hand defeat to your mom on a silver platter. I don’t think he’s going to be okay with you living here.

“I mean, if I live with you, maybe Mom and Dad won’t fight.” She’s breathing audibly. “I don’t really want to live with her. I know she doesn’t really like me that much. Not like Mandee’s mom likes Mandee.”

My heart breaks over the tremor in Vi’s voice. She’s too young to feel this way. But I can’t bring myself to lie and tell her that Geneva loves her.

“I overheard my grandparents talking last night. And…I was so angry. I called Mom and told her I hated her. She said I was an ungrateful little girl.” Her voice grows small. “Do you think she’

s right?”

“Oh, sweetie,” I say softly, torn between a desire to wrap my arms around her and wanting to murder Geneva. “You aren’t ungrateful. Anyone would feel the way you do. You’re a wonderful person, Vi. Don’t let anybody, not even your mom, tell you any different. Okay?”


I can almost sense her nod. And I sincerely hope she’s not faking it like she claims her dad does.

“So…I guess this means I don’t have a mom, huh?”

“Sometimes there’s more to being a mom than just giving birth,” I say, thinking of my own mother. “Lots of people love you dearly and only want the best for you, Vi. You don’t have to let Geneva make you feel inferior or less worthy, okay?”

“Yeah. Okay.” She clears her throat. “Kim?”


“Thanks. You’re a really good friend. I mean, for an old adult.”

I laugh, the tension from the weekend lessening. “My pleasure, kiddo. We’ll always be friends, no matter how old I get.”

Chapter Fifty-Seven

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