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Oops! I Married a Rock Star

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–Tasha: Okay, so I went over the list you sent, but are you sure you want to hire an escort for this? You can fake-marry one of your guy friends for a year.

–Me: Who? That’s the problem. Grandma knows everyone in Drover. Plus all the surrounding towns. And I don’t have a guy friend I’m close enough to for something like this.

–Tasha: Argh. Why can’t Drover be a bigger place? Like Dallas or something.

–Me: It isn’t, so we have to deal with the reality. Besides, using money is great. It’ll keep the relationship very professional and simple. Just a business contract.

–Tasha: Do your fans know you’re a cynic?

–Me: No. Now stop stalling and tell me. Who do you like the best out of the bunch?

–Tasha: Jacob and Bruce. They look the best. Want me to contact them and feel them out?

–Me: No, it’s fine. Bruce should do better than Jacob.

–Tasha: How do you know?

–Me: A woman’s intuition. Besides, Bruce is Batman’s name.

–Tasha: This guy is no Bruce Wayne. This is a hooker Bruce. Bruce Swain.

–Me: Shut it. I just have a good feeling about the name, and I’m following my instincts, like you’ve told me to do many times.

* * *



Subject: About the job

Hi Bruce,

Hope you had a chance to review the contract I sent and you’re okay with it. I forgot to put this in there, but can you show up in a black Batman shirt and black pants for our wedding in Vegas? That’ll help me find you in the crowd. Thanks!


* * *



Subject: Re: About the job

Hey Becca,

The contract looks good. I sent you a signed copy. You sure about the black Batman shirt and black pants? It’s for a wedding, after all.

Your man,


Your pleasure is mine

* * *


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