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Oops! I Married a Rock Star

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That’s why our meeting slipped my mind. I couldn’t think about anything for a while there.

Anyway, I’m fine now. Why don’t we get together so I can do you right?

Do me right? I hope he isn’t thinking about meeting for sex. He isn’t going to measure up to Devlin.

My schedule is completely flexible, all for you.



Your pleasure is mine

I purse my lips, feeling sorry for him about the cat, but also wondering if it’s true. I didn’t see any mention of cats or dogs in any of the escort profiles I picked out, and they did have a section on pets.

Plus, as much as I hate the fact that I’ve become so cynical, I’ve had two contractors who took my deposits and didn’t deliver what they promised until I threatened to get a lawyer. Both of them had one sob story after another, every bit of it as false as Sylvie’s eyelashes.

I pull out my phone and text Tasha to confirm my suspicions. I’ll feel a lot less bad if Bruce is not only a jerk who failed to deliver the service I paid for, but a lying jerk.

–Me: Hey, you remember Bruce? The escort guy? Do you remember if he listed pets or anything like that in his profile?

–Tasha: I remember him, and yeah, he had a pet. Why?

Oh. So maybe he did have a good reason for missing our fake wedding in Vegas. Now I’m feeling slightly guilty about filing the dispute with PayPal. I mean, I still want my money back, but maybe the refund process could go more amicably.

/> –Me: He just emailed me and said he couldn’t make it in Vegas because his cat died.

–Tasha: He didn’t have a cat. He had a dog.

–Me: He did?

–Tasha: His profile listed a dog. A three-year-old Dachshund.

–Me: You sure about no cats?

–Tasha: Yeah. Gimme a sec…

A few moments later, she sends me a screenshot.

–Tasha: His profile. See that?

I squint at it. Sure enough, he has a dog. Of course he does. A wiener dog!

–Me: Then why did he send me that excuse about his cat dying?

–Tasha: Didn’t you say you loved cats in your fake profile? I think in the questionnaire, you said you liked cats more than dogs.

That’s right. I sort of lied about some details because I didn’t want some stranger knowing the real me. And whether I liked dogs more or cats more was irrelevant anyway.

My cynicism is now roaring, pounding its chest and telling me it was right.

–Me: You think he’s giving me a fake sob story in order not to refund the deposit?

–Tasha: Probably. Bet he already spent it.

–Me: It was a lot of money!

–Tasha: And? That doesn’t mean he can’t spend it. For all we know, he could’ve gotten dick enlargement surgery. I read that’s a thing.

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