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Oops! I Married a Rock Star

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My God. Devlin is so still and quiet that I can’t even tell if he’s breathing. My heart is in my throat, nerves and anxiety roiling inside. I feel sick to my stomach, but I need to get the rest of the words out. I can throw up later.

I lift my eyes and look at him steadily. “And you’re that person, Devlin. I lov—”

Suddenly he moves, placing a finger over my mouth before I can complete the sentence. I blink, panic and fear pumping through my system. Does he not want to hear me say I love him?

“That’s a lot to process, and…” His forehead touches mine; our breath mingles. He smells like chocolate and milk. “I don’t know what to think of everything.”

“Yeah, um… Sorry?”

He laughs a little. “Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you told me. I just wish you’d told me a little sooner.”

“Oh…” I sag a little at his reaction. A small bit of hope that things can work out unfurls. I wish I’d said something sooner, too.

“And you’re not going to say it before I do.” He places a soft kiss on my mouth. “I love you, Becca.”

My heart booms in my ears. “You do?”


“But why?” I blurt out, then feel my face heat with embarrassment. I’m pretty sure that isn’t the right response.

He laughs again. “Why? I don’t know. I can’t pinpoint how or when I fell in love with you. I just did. Because you’re you.”

I smile. I’m not going to worry about specifics when I already have what I want the most. It’s enough that he loves me for me.

“But if I have to give you a reason, Emily says you’re my magic vag…er…V soul mates.”

“Magic V soul mates? What?”

“You’ll have to ask her when she comes back.”

“I don’t know if I will.” Besides, I have something far more important to do right now—finish what he’s interrupted. I hug him and kiss him. “I love you too.”

And I laugh as Devlin kisses me back and carries me up the stairs.

Chapter Forty-Two


It’s about time for dinner when Devlin and I finally shower and come downstairs. We showered together, ostensibly because Dev said we need to conserve water and save the planet. So since it was for a good cause…

Killian and Emily are back. She’s prepping a bowl of salad while Killian sets the table for four. Meaning, he’s putting four paper plates on the table.

“We have pizza and beer,” Emily says. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Who doesn’t love pizza and beer?” I say with a smile.

Devlin does a quick introduction, since Emily and I haven’t officially met.

“I heard so much about you from Killian in Vegas,” I say. “You’re the brilliant romance author he loves to read.”

She flushes. “Yeah. Well. He loves my books.”

“I’ll have to check them out. I love reading.”

“Awesome. Thank you.”

We sit down at the table and start eating. I’m starving. I realize I haven’t eaten much today. I skipped breakfast in case I got nauseated and threw up in front of Devlin. And lunch… Well. Lunch was skipped too, because we were too busy in bed.

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