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Oops! I Married a Rock Star

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I roll my eyes at my dad’s voice thundering with excitement over the phone. At that precise moment, Travis flings a spoonful of apple sauce at my Batman shirt. I duck, and it splats on the wall behind me. Not for the first time, I thank the gods of modern wall paint that ours is stain-resistant.

“Dad, the twins turned one today,” I say, as I get a towel to wipe the applesauce up. And they’re definitely not interested in this team he hired based on the fact that they’re toddling away toward the plastic slide we installed in the living room. Both started to walk at ten months, which I’ve been told is very fast. Probably took after me, because I’m quick on my feet. And hot. And sexy. (Although the last two bits will come later…way, way later for my babies.)

“What’s going on?” Becca mouths as she’s coming out of the bedroom, dressed in a cute tank top and shorts, her feet in the cowboy boots she loves so much. She places a kiss on my cheek.

Before I can answer, he responds, like he could hear her. “I only want the best for them! They can be the Harvard cardiologists you couldn’t become!”

“Excuse me, I chose not to become one.”

“Those who can, do! Those who can’t say they chose not to!” Dad speaks like he’s reading the Ten Commandments.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know what? Your people can’t turn my kids into mindless cardiologist zombies because they’ll never catch them.”

“My people can catch a couple of crawling babies.”

“They’re already sprinting,” I lie, then hang up.

“Is your dad at it again?” Becca says with a sympathetic smile.


“He knows the twins are going to do whatever they want, right?”

“If he doesn’t, he will.” Travis is banging on the toy drum set Killian bought him. In return, I got his son Maxim a pair of shoes that flash and squeak every time the child takes a step. Maxim can’t get enough of them. But now that I think about it, I shouldn’t have done that. Now that Travis is a year old, he can keep a pretty decent rhythm. Plus, it makes Belinda laugh and twirl around like a drunken ballerina.

We stand by the kitchen counter, my arm around Becca’s waist, and her head on my shoulder. I sigh with pleasure. “I can’t imagine my life any other way.”

“Me either.” She pats the Batman logo on my chest. “I’m so glad you had this shirt on when we ran into each other in Vegas. Batman.”

“Me too.” Our children laughing and playing in the background, I kiss her with all the love in my heart.


Thank you for reading Oops I Married a Rockd Star! I hope you enjoyed Devlin and Becca’s story.

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Want more rock star fun? Check out Flirting with the Rock Star Next Door [US :: UK :: Canada :: Australia], featuring Killian and Emily!

About Flirting with the Rock Star Next Door

“The obnoxious drummer neighbor I reported for noise pollution? Turns out he’s the biggest rock star in the country! Oops.”

I write romance because true love doesn’t happen in real life. My parents’ marriage and a string of failed relationships have taught me that.

Then Killian Axelrod moves in next door. He’s a rock star, and hot as hell. Wicked blue eyes. A body made for sin. Cocky attitude. If he was on a romance cover, I’d one-click it without even reading the title.

Too bad he’s such a pain.

He tries to steal my favorite specialty ice cream. He drums so loud I can’t hear myself think. Then comes over in nothing but a towel when his water heater dies so he can finish his shower with my hot water.

But then he cooks me breakfast. Rescues me from an evil snake. Kisses me like I’m the girl of his dreams. Sings like I’m the only one in the audience.

It doesn’t seem to matter to him that I’m not a size two, my yoga pants have holes, and I don’t put makeup on every morning.

I know there are no happy endings in real life, but Killian makes my heart flutter and makes me wonder…

Can we have a romance novel ending for real?

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