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Vengeful in Love

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She pursed her lips. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Hey, all you had to do was say no to Ethan’s invitation.”

* * *

Natalie continued to frown at him, but he seemed completely oblivious.

“Unless you asked Ethan if he invited me and he lied outright,” Alex added magnanimously.

No, she hadn’t asked. Her mistake.

Alex laughed. “Don’t look so torn. We’re not getting engaged here. It’s just a weekend.”

“I guess. Still, a million bucks would’ve been nicer,” she said, her voice even.

“A bit mercenary, don’t you think?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t like money. Obviously you do.”

“And you do too. Fair enough. So, why didn’t you go back to Goldreich? They pay better than DDE.”

“Because I wanted a career change.” And because an ex—the mistake before Marcus—was still working there. Just thinking about Jack gave her the shivers now. “There’s a point where money can’t compensate enough for personal sacrifices.” She put her fork down and pulled out her slim PDA. “Let’s get this over with. When would you like to claim your prize?”

“That’s awfully…unromantic of you.”

“Oh, were you expecting romance? After all, we’re not getting engaged here.”

A corner of his lips quirked. “If the thrill of being pursued is what you want…”

She smoothed her hair. A superfluous gesture—not a strand was out of place since she’d applied extra strength gel to it that morning. “When and where?”

Alex waved at her gadget. “Put that thing away.” He signaled the waiter for the check, handed him several twenties, and rose.

The parking lot was dark, the late evening breeze unusually crisp but without teeth. Rows of cars gleamed under the pale street lights. Alex pushed his hands into his pants pockets.

“Where are you parked?”

“Over there.” She gestured at her Audi several yards away.

As he walked with her to her vehicle, anticipation hummed in her blood. Whatever he was planning wouldn’t end the way he wanted; she’d make sure of that. But knowing that a pursuit had started and that this overwhelmingly sexual male wanted her made every female instinct of hers jittery with an excited trepidation.

When they reach

ed the car, she turned to look at him. Something she couldn’t identify glimmered in his eyes. She licked her suddenly dry lips.

Alex stepped closer, invading her personal space. She didn’t move away. Even through the gap between them, she could feel his body heat. She shivered.

“Are you cold?” he whispered into her ear. His breath tickled the sensitive skin and melted her inside.

“No.” She sighed the word in a soft whisper.

Alex’s head dipped, his mouth taking Natalie’s. He was as aggressive as a warlord bent on subduing a rebellion. She responded with a thrust of her tongue, her eyelids drifting lower. He tasted like fine wine and man, and somehow the combination was more potent than anything she’d ever experienced before. Her head spun, and she clutched his shoulders. His hands roamed over her body, leaving a trail of delicious warmth in their path. She wanted to burrow into him.

There was a moan.

Natalie didn’t know who made the noise and didn’t care. Alex pushed her against the side of the car and brought their bodies closer. She felt the thick length of his erection against her belly through the layers of their clothes. It only intensified her desire. She moved against his sex and found herself wet.

She had a sudden picture of herself perched on the hood of the car, her skirt bunched around her hips and his hard length probing her. She whimpered, but his mouth on hers muffled the sound. Her greedy hands surveyed his body, and she bit back a moan of frustration at the crisp white shirt in the way. She’d kill to rip it off and put her hands on his bare skin. His breath, hot and fast, fanned the side of her neck where her pulse beat rapidly. She reveled in the maelstrom of sensation. This was like a drug—a mindless desire that nothing could stop, not his control or her caution.

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