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Vengeful in Love

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She sighed as the magic began all over again.

Chapter Thirteen

NATALIE FOUND HERSELF HUMMING. The weather was perfect, her outfit was perfect, and nothing could spoil her mood. Even the traffic was perfect.

Alex had lingered until the next morning, then had to go to work. But that didn’t bother her. He’d promised to come back as soon as he could.

The spacious café in Tysons II mall that Emily had chosen for their lunch had an understated elegance and lightness that appealed to the moneyed conservative set. Emily waved as Natalie walked inside.

“You look lovely, dear,” Emily said.

“Thank you. So do you.”

And it was true. She was remarkably well-preserved. There were only a few lines around her eyes, and even her hair still retained its golden hue, although that could’ve been a dye job. But if it was, it was a good one. Emily Rodale had always been a handsome woman, and that hadn’t changed as she’d entered her sixties.

The waitress took their order for salad and sandwiches. Emily and Natalie chatted about acquaintances until they got their food. Then the conversation drifted to Natalie’s work.

“So how’s your new position? Do you enjoy it?”

“It’s very nice.” Natalie sipped her sparkling water. “I never thought I would be promoted so quickly.”

Emily smiled. “I did.” She carefully speared a small piece of chicken in her salad with her fork. “So tell me. If it came down to me or this new job of yours…which would you choose?”

Natalie looked up to find Emily gazing at her steadily. She frowned. “What do you mean?”

Emily sighed and put down her fork, the chicken still on it. “You know I’m not one for games. We’re in trouble, Natalie. Alex Damon wants to take over Rodale International. A hostile takeover. It might as well be a declaration of war against my family. He’s been maneuvering for months, targeting our clients, undercutting us at every turn. We’re at the point now that if we don’t get this DOD contract, we may very well be too weak to resist.”

Natalie smoothed her hair. She wasn’t sure what to say.

“I want to know what that man is up to. You know, don’t you?”

“Emily, he doesn’t discuss his plans with me. I work mostly with another executive.” This was the truth, after all, and she wasn’t betraying anyone by revealing it.

Emily’s eyes turned impassive. “Not even pillow talk, my dear?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Please. I saw the way he looked at you at your parents’ party. I’m neither naïve nor stupid, and I’m not so old that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be the focus of a man’s attention. I know what he’s thinking, and I’m sure you didn’t object to being in his bed.”

Natalie’s lips parted, but no sound came out. Of all the people she knew in the Halls’ social circle, Emily was the nicest and usually one of the most circumspect. It took her a moment to recover.

“Who I sleep with—or don’t—is none of your business.” Natalie’s voice was cool, but polite. “And the details of my work and projects are confidential. I love you, Emily, and I don’t want to choose.” Her lips tightened. “I shouldn’t have to choose.”

A bit of red was starting to tinge Emily’s pale cheeks. “It’s just a job, dear. You can always get another. In fact, I can guarantee you another, and at a higher salary. But if you don’t help me, I could lose everything. Charlie could lose everything. Rodale International is my legacy to him. I won’t allow it.”

“I know how you feel about the company.” Natalie reached across the table and laid her hand over Emily’s. “But this isn’t something I can do for you. I’m sorry.”

“I see.” Emily slowly drew her hand out from under Natalie’s. “So we must do this the hard way.”

Why was Emily being so obtuse? “There is no hard way. I’m not going to do it.”

“Even if it means Brian’s ruin?”

“Your family’s contribution to his campaign is significant, but I don’t think withholding it is going to ruin his career. And do I really have to remind you that my father’s influence has also benefited you and your family?”

“I didn’t say his career. I said him. And your family too.”

Natalie felt like she’d suddenly stepped into the Twilight Zone. This couldn’t be Emily talking to her. “Are you threatening me?”

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