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Beauty and the Assassin

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“I don’t want to do that.”

“I don’t know what kind of person you think I am, but I’m not for hire. I’m too busy with my job at the foundation as an assistant.”

Confusion crosses her pretty face. She probably thought I worked in security. Cute. Very cute.

I pull out some money from my pocket, then smack it square into her hand. “Here. Take this and buy yourself something nice.”

“Ow!” She gasps, but not because I just placed three hundred bucks in her hand. “What did you…?” she says numbly. She tries to look at her hand, but her legs start to fold.

I catch her and pick her up, like Prince Charming carrying his Cinderella. She grows increa

singly limp, her eyes unfocused. “Wha…”

“Don’t worry.” I smile. “The needle’s very thin. You won’t even find the hole when you wake up.”

Chapter Nine


Something tickles my face. Hot breath hits me on the chin and neck and mouth, all at the same time. Something long, wet and warm swipes my cheek.

My heart races abruptly. Is this… Did Roy get me? He used to lick my face when he got tired of watching me sleep…

Except…no. Roy didn’t take me. It was Tolyan who pricked me with something to make me pass out, and…

My eyes snap open. I yelp and recoil. Three large Dobermans are right in my face. They aren’t growling or acting aggressive, but I’ve seen how obedient and well trained they are. If Tolyan gives a whistle, they’ll rip me to pieces. But for now, they seem entirely too happy to lick me.

I slowly put my hands up, trying to forestall more licking, and look around as well as I can. I need to figure out where I am.

A bedroom, with me on the bed. White walls with no pictures. The temperature’s a bit too cool, but maybe Tolyan likes it that way. The room smells faintly of laundry detergent. One lit lamp on the night table by the bed.

The curtains are shut, no lights coming in. Must be blackout curtains. Hopefully I wasn’t out for more than a few hours.

I examine my right hand, the one Tolyan pricked. I look carefully, but he’s right. I can’t spot a puncture wound. It’s like nothing happened in the parking lot—except something did happen, and I lost consciousness.

I bury my face in my hands. Hysterical laughter bubbles up, and I clench my teeth to contain it. I must be losing my mind. I’m ninety-nine percent certain Tolyan is a killer. I should be freaked out and looking for something to use as a weapon. But instead, all I can think is Thank God I’m not in Roy’s clutches.

After a moment, I slowly drop my hands and inhale deeply a few times. Tolyan could be dangerous, but something inside me doesn’t go on full alert like it normally does every time I think of danger…like with Roy.

I strain to hear what’s happening outside, but all I can hear is the dogs breathing. Time to move.

I start to sit up, then stop abruptly. I’m naked under the sheets. Not even wearing underwear. Unless Tolyan lives with a woman—which I highly doubt, since no guy in a relationship could come up with a good reason for bringing a girl home, stripping her and depositing her in his bed—he removed my clothes while I was out.

Which means he saw me naked. Probably with the lights on.

Shit. My blood chills, from the most inner part of my heart to the tips of my fingers and toes. Did he…do something? I don’t feel even the slightest hint of soreness. But vaginal penetration isn’t the only option when a man is a pervert.

Back in the parking lot he mentioned masturbating like it’s something he casually discusses over coffee. He also seemed amused by my embarrassed reaction, but then, isn’t that the normal reaction?

Besides, Roy liked to watch me too. And jerk off when he knew I was awake and every cell in my body was recoiling with fear and disgust.

I sniff again, lowering my nose close to the sheets, for any hint that Tolyan did something…awful. But the only smells are laundry detergent and fabric softener and dogs.

All right. I can’t stay in this room with the Dobermans forever. Gotta figure out where I am first and what Tolyan’s planning to do with me. Obviously it isn’t his intention to kill me—if it were, I wouldn’t still be breathing.

I stand up, one eye on the dogs, wrap a sheet around myself toga-style and then clench it together in my fist so it doesn’t come undone. The sheet’s too long and big to make a decent toga, but beggars can’t be choosers. Especially naked beggars.

Once I’m certain I’m decently covered, I make my way to the window and push the curtain aside to check out the surrounding area. All I see is the city spread out below. At least I’m still in Los Angeles—the San Gabriel Mountains are still providing a majestic backdrop to the city’s skyscrapers. But there’s no escaping out this window. No wonder Tolyan didn’t try to tie me up or anything. There’s only one way out.

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