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Beauty and the Assassin

Page 47

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“You ready?” Elizabeth calls out, her voice bubbly. “I’m dying to see how you look!”

“Coming!” I say, my belly fluttering.

I walk out, a smile on my face.

Monique is wearing a “God, I’m a genius” expression. Elizabeth gives me two thumbs up.

“Just stunning,” she says. “My lord! You look freakin’ amazing. Look how long and slim your legs are!”

I flush as pleasant warmth spreads over me. I steal a glance at Tolyan, but he’s still tapping on his tablet.

Hmm. I thought he’d look up. After all, he’s the one who got me here. Isn’t he even the tiniest bit curious about how I look?

Or maybe it doesn’t matter because this is about getting me out of my crummy old clothes. And, I remember ruefully, he’s already been there, done that.

Regardless, I don’t like it that whatever’s on the tablet is so fascinating he can’t even spare a glance in my direction. I start to clear my throat, but then think better of the idea. I’m being ridiculous. It isn’t like he owes me any attention. He’s already doing so much by promising to deal with Roy for me. The excitement I felt flattens, but I shake it off, or do my best to. I’m going to enjoy this experience even if Tolyan won’t cooperate.

I try on the rest of the stuff Monique picked out. I honestly can’t complain about her taste, because she’s done better than I ever could. The color combinations alone are dazzling.

“You can pair these slacks with the top you tried on before with the dark purple skirt and get a new look,” Monique says, tapping her chin with a well-manicured finger.

“You think?” I look down at the slim pants.

“Yes. The color combo is going to look fantastic, especially in late spring and summer. The biggest part of managing your wardrobe is knowing how to mix things to create a complete new look.”

“Totally,” Elizabeth agrees. “I take notes when I shop.”

Monique laughs, rolling her eyes. “You’re so silly.”

I laugh too at the joke Elizabeth made. I probably can’t afford to buy all the things Monique laid out. But I can ask her to help me pick out a few versatile items that will create the most “new looks” together.

After I finish the first batch, Elizabeth gestures at me to sit with her. “We need a break.”

I smile, as I realize she must’ve noticed I’m getting a little tired. As exciting as it is to try on all those pretty things, I want to sit down for a bit.

“Let’s get you another mimosa,” Monique says.

An assistant brings out a fresh flute. The mix of orange juice and the bubbly wine is refreshing, and I’m thirsty. Besides, I’m not going to say no to a free drink, especially when it tastes good and I can pace myself—although I make a mental note to ask for OJ next time. I’m not used to alcohol, and I can already feel the effects at a mild level. I don’t want to get drunk and embarrass myself.

Tolyan gestures at the assistant as she’s leaving. She trots over to him fast, then he whispers something. She nods and picks up his tray.

He doesn’t want the tarts? I lick my lips. They look so good. Bet somebody in the back is going to eat them. I would if I were them.

She brings the tray over and places it on the small table in front of me, then walks away.

Elizabeth gives me a meaningful look as she picks up a small plate of berry tart and hands it to me with a fork. “Wow.”

“What?” I say, taking the tart. She’s acting like it’s a marriage proposal.

“I’ve never seen Tolyan feed a woman before,” she says in a low voice, leaning closer.

“You said you’ve never seen him with a woman period.” But I check Tolyan out surreptitiously. Does he hear us talking? If so, he’s not showing it.

“Yeah, but he doesn’t… He isn’t exactly the nurturing type.”

“Well, he’s fed me. A lot.” Two dinners and a breakfast in two days. And they were all excellent. I take a bite of the tart and almost moan as the sweet fruit flavor bursts in my mouth. Ah-mazing!

Elizabeth gives me a slightly bemused look. “Like I said, I’ve known him for over ten years. I would’ve noticed.” She leans even closer. “Have you considered the idea that maybe it’s you?”

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