The Billionaire's Claim: Redemption - Page 58

“Sure.” I give him a wan smile. “I’d like that.”

I sit at the counter, and he brings me coffee and a bagel. Then he sits next to me with a cup for himself and studies me, scrubbing his jaw and mouth with his hand.

“What is it?”

“I know we weren’t thinking about leaving quite so soon, but we have to pack up and go.”


He sighs. “Today.”

He’s too recalcitrant. This isn’t like him. “What happened?”

“Tolyan called.”

My pulse beats rapidly against the side of my neck. He wouldn’t have bothered Dominic if it weren’t important.

“Dorothy and Chuck died in a car accident yesterday.”

A hand flies to my chest, fingers flexing against the hammering beat of my heart. “A…car accident?”

“They’re suspected of driving under the influence, but Tolyan doesn’t think so.”

Then they weren’t. “Bad road? Rain?”

Dominic hesitates, then finally shakes his head. “Tolyan thinks Andy’s involved.”

“Oh my God.” He told me his parents wouldn’t be around forever to keep him on a leash. I didn’t realize that meant he planned to…

I can’t continue the thought. My stomach’s too queasy.

“I… But why do we have to leave? This island’s safe. Andy can’t get here without us knowing about it.” I stare at Dominic intently. “He doesn’t even know we’re here.”

“Unfortunately, he does. Kristen told him.”

I close my eyes. “Why? Why?” I let go of my chest and pound the counter with my fist in frustration. “I told her to stay away from him.”

“She did, but she’s still fond of him in a way. He’s the cousin who used to kill all the ‘gross bugs’ for her when she was little. She doesn’t know what kind of monster he is.”

“Does she know now?”

He nods. “I texted her and told her in no uncertain terms she couldn’t talk to him or meet him in person.”

“Tolyan has him under surveillance,” I say. “We’ll know if he does anything…rash.”

“He slipped away. He also dumped his phone, credit cards and everything.”

I cup my nose and mouth with my hands, breathing noisily. This is insane. I know what Dominic’s trying to tell me, but I just can’t accept that it’s real. I rock back and forth. “This is all my fault.”

“No, it’s n—”

“I should’ve known it would escalate. I should’ve just taken care of him five years ago. Then Dorothy and Chuck would be alive. He wouldn’t be out there…” I can’t continue. I’m hyperventilating, and the edges around my vision start to gray.

“It’s not your fault.” Dominic draws me closer, but I stay stiff. I don’t deserve his comfort.

“I should’ve stopped him,” I say, full of regret and pain. “All I had to do was look the other way while Tolyan did what was necessary.”

Holding my arms tenderly, Dominic squats in front of me, looking straight into my eyes. I turn away. I can’t look anybody in the eye right now.

Tags: Nadia Lee Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024