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An Unlikely Bride (Lucas & Ava)

Page 87

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Come on. Lucas is a reasonable man. Besides, he may not even really want to be a father yet. Remember how he called children “interesting”?

I know all that, but I also know that what people assume their reaction will be in a given situation and how they actually react are two different things. I never knew if I wanted a child of my own. I never longed for a family, since my childhood and early teens were such painful chapters of my life. But when I saw the sonogram of Mia…heard her heart beat for the first time and felt her kick against my belly… I knew that not only did I want her, I was prepared to do anything to give her the best chance in life, which is why I gave her up for adoption to Darcy and Ray.

I get ready and go into the living room around three thirty. My foster parents are already dressed in stylish outfits—a simple light gray sweater and dark slacks for Ray and a long spring-green dress for Darcy. Mia is in a pink dress with a fluttery, tutu-like skirt and a small tiara, looking like the pampered princess she is.

Ray raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure you want to go like that?”

“What?” I glance down at myself, wondering if I overlooked a stain or something. No. It’s far worse. I’m in a fuzzy black and orange dress with small stars. I might as well scrawl “Halloween Reject” on my face.

Darcy rises. “Let me help.” She puts a hand between my shoulders and marches me back to my closet. “I’m sure you have something more suitable.”

“I do, but…” I groan. “Sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Don’t stress about the dinner. Or telling Lucas about Mia.”

I sigh. “That obvious, huh?”

“Of course it’s obvious. It’s big news, and I’d be just as jumpy. But Ava, I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and his feelings won’t change over this. He knows what your circumstances were like.” She picks out a blue cocktail dress and holds it out for me. “What about this? Stylishly cut…and it’ll bring out your eyes.”

Instead of taking the garment, I lower my voice and whisper, “What if he wants Mia?” When Ray mentioned the possibility yesterday it seemed really far-fetched, but now it feels not so improbable after all. Even if Lucas doesn’t mind letting Darcy and Ray raise her, his family may object, especially that bastard Blake. He seems like the type who’d stomp on a bunny just because he can.

Her chin quivers slightly, but she smiles. “Well. That’s his right as her father.”


“I’ll be devastated, but it’s not like we can’t ever see her. We can still be in her life, perhaps as honorary grandparents or godparents. I’ll always think of her as my own, but I want you to be happy.” She exhales softly. “It’d be easier for me to ask to keep Mia a secret. But secrets never remain hidden. They always come out, and when they do, they destroy everything. If he hears it from you, now, he’ll have a chance to digest the news and he’ll appreciate your honesty. If he hears it from someone else, the only thing he’ll think is that you lied to him.” Darcy holds my eyes, making sure I get the point. “Ava, you’ve fought so hard for this relationship. I’ve seen how miserable you were without Lucas, and how you glow when you’re with him. I don’t want to take that away.”

The skin around my eyes grows hot with unshed tears. She’s so perfect and so loving, and I can’t help but wonder for the hundredth time why someone like her couldn’t be a mother when my own mom could.

I put on the dress. As soon as she pulls the zipper up, the intercom buzzes. “That’ll be Lucas,” I say.

“Perfect timing.” She squeezes my hand. “You look fabulous, dear. Let’s have a great time! I’ve never been invited to a movie star’s mansion before. If I were still young and single, I’d throw myself at that man, propriety be damned.”

We both laugh as we leave. Ray smiles at our good humor, and Mia chortles as though she’s in on the joke.

Lucas arrives with a warm grin, kisses me and then greets everyone. He is gorgeous, this man of mine. The brown V-neck shirt deepens his eye color to dark chocolate and stretches over his big, muscular chest, revealing the outline of the nipple ring. His slacks are two shades lighter, and fit his narrow pelvis and tight butt perfectly. If we were alone, I might run my hands all over his body just because.

Mia watches him with fascination, then points at her tiara. “Pwincess.”

“And very pretty, too.” He bows to Mia, his motion as fluid and elegant as any medieval knight’s. Then he lowers himself on one knee, bringing the two of them to somewhat the same height. “Princess Mia.”

She laughs, clapping. Her eyes are fantastically bright and curious as she studies him, then pushes the hair out of the way and touches his scar. He stills, and my heart stops. He’s so sensitive about the crash…

“Wha dat?” she


“It’s called a ‘scar,’” he answers solemnly. “This is what happens when someone gets hurt.”

“Did you figh’?”


She shakes her head. “No figh’. Be fwiens.”

He nods. “That’s the best way.”

The smile he gives her is so pure and loving, my heart aches until tears cloud my vision. I’m tempted to just blurt out, “That’s our daughter,” but my tongue feels huge and clumsy in my mouth. Still, wouldn’t this be the perfect moment for him to learn who Mia is, when he’s feeling this connection and affection for the child…?

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