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An Improper Ever After (Elliot & Annabelle 3)

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“Yes, ma’am.”

“Just call me Jana,” she says with a slight smile. “I’m not that old.”

I take my purse and go to a bar two blocks from the office. It’s a swanky place with gleaming wood and lots of expensive-looking liquor displayed on the shelves. The place smells faintly of leather and oak and the remnants of hundreds of opened bottles of wine.

Traci is already seated at the counter. As usual, she’s in an almost-too-racy-for-the-office outfit. I start to wonder how many V-neck tops and pushup bras she owns.

“You’re early,” I say.

“You’re right on time. I’m so glad Jana let you go. She has a reputation. Total workaholic.”

“She is kind of intense. But I like her. Seems very nice.”

Traci grins. “Only you would say that.” She raises a forefinger to flag one of the bartenders. “What are you in the mood for?”

I hesitate. She’s expecting me to drink because I never told her about what happened at the party and did my best to pretend everything was fine. I was too ashamed to tell anyone, even Traci. When we were at parties, I’d nurse a Coke or OJ while pretending that it was spiked with rum or vodka, because you couldn’t not drink at those events in Lincoln City and still be considered cool. Now I can’t decide if I should come clean and tell her I never touch alcohol or get a glass of wine and pretend to nurse it until it’s time to go home.

Before she can catch a bartender’s attention, she drops her hand and digs through her purse. She takes out her phone and scowls at the screen.

“What is it?”

“A text from Hilary. Apparently she can’t come because of an unexpected market movement. Something about the Chinese dumping US treasuries or something… Anyway, she told me I don’t need to go back, but to have fun.” Her shoulders slump. “Damn it.”

“Maybe the others can join us…?”

She shakes her head. “If Hilary can’t come, it’s because Gavin isn’t leaving. And that means nobody’s leaving now.”

“Oh. That’s…too bad.”

“Yeah.” She sighs. “The Chinese just had to pick today!”

I laugh. “You make it sound like they did it on purpose.”

“Feels that way.”

“Listen, why don’t we…”

I trail off as I look through the window and spot a nondescript gray sedan parked on the other side of the road. A man’s inside, his big hands fooling with a camera with a big lens. An uneasy knot forms in my chest, but I shake myself. Probably somebody famous is around here… There’s no reason for the paparazzi to follow me, since my stripper past isn’t the hottest news item for the bored and nosy anymore.

“Let’s go to my apartment and have ice cream and cocktails,” Traci says. “I have some good stuff.”

“Um…” I’m about to say no, but she’s looking at me with a huge grin. Elliot isn’t expecting me until at least eight anyway, so why not spend a little time with Traci before heading home? “Sure. Ice cream sounds great.”

“Awesome!” She loops her arm around mine. “Let’s get going.”

* * *


Traci’s “apartment” is about half an hour from the office. As I climb out of my Mercedes, I can’t help but gape. “How did you snag this place? The location’s perfect, and just look at that!” I gesture at the soaring, glitzy building.

“I know, right?” She grins. “I totally lucked out. My roommate is rich, and paying for most of it. She said she wanted somebody to share the space because she hates it when it’s too quiet at home.”

How awesome. I’m genuinely happy my friend got such a sweet setup.

The place is fairly new. Two sides of the building gleam, and I realize they are actually floor-to-ceiling windows. The lobby is immaculate marble, chrome and glass with a fully staffed concierge desk. Soothing classical music plays inside a golden elevator.

Traci’s place is on the top floor. It’s actually a penthouse unit, albeit smaller than the one Elliot and I share. But the open layout makes the place look much bigger and airier than it really is, and there is a fantastic view of downtown L.A. The hardwood floor has been freshly waxed, and a plush rug is custom-cut to lie around a beige sectional couch. The walls are off-white and covered with contemporary paintings.

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