An Improper Ever After (Elliot & Annabelle 3) - Page 92

“Yes. Why do you think she dressed like that?”

“Gavin is a better catch than Keith Shellington,” Elliot says with a sympathetic glance at Amandine, who merely sighs. I must look puzzled, because he turns to me and says, “Traci was sleeping with Keith.”

“Oh my god.”

“He’s under investigation too. For inciting everything,” Elliot sa


“Can they get him?” Elliot gave me the broad strokes of Keith’s role while I was at the hospital, but I’m not too optimistic about him paying for it. He didn’t actually do anything.

“Maybe, maybe not.” Elliot purses his mouth. “Hard to say at this point.”

Amandine adds, “It doesn’t matter what the police find. He’s finished.”


“He’s already made enemies out of Elliot and his brothers and sister. Gavin, too, which means he’s just antagonized lots of wealthy and powerful families. He won’t be able to sneeze without somebody watching over him to make sure he doesn’t break any laws.”

Part of me wants him tossed into a dungeon, the key thrown away, but a bigger part of me is just glad this is over. Sighing, I lean back against my pillows.

“We should get going,” Gavin says, helping Amandine up. “And you should get some rest. When you’re well, we’ll have dinner together again.”

I smile. “I’d love that.”

Elliot walks downstairs with them. I close my eyes in the now quiet room. The doctors prescribed a bunch of painkillers, but I refuse to take them. I want my mind clear.

My feet ache, my ribs are bruised and hurt like the dickens when I move the wrong way, and the gash on my head is ugly and throbbing. But I’m alive, and Elliot and Nonny are safe, and that’s all that matters. A few drowsy moments pass, and then a thought fleets through my mind, and I frown.

“Why are you scowling?” Elliot says, reclaiming his spot next to me.

I snuggle next to him, grateful for his solid presence. “Because you were right about Traci and Dennis. If I’d listened to you, maybe things wouldn’t have gotten this bad.”

“It’s not your fault they betrayed your trust and friendship, Belle.” He kisses me tenderly on the temple. “They’re the bad guys here. Don’t blame yourself.”

I place my hand over his chest, comforted by his warmth and his scent. His heart beats steadily under my palm.

“Saturday was your birthday.”

“I know.”

“I ordered this really special cake.”

“With a gigolo inside?”

Elliot laughs. “No, you dirty-minded little minx.” He flicks the tip of my nose. “It was a genuine cake with strawberries and flowers on top, made with real German chocolate. Had to toss it, though.”

I sigh. That cake sounds wonderful. “It’s okay.”

“I’m going to order another when you feel better and we can have a small party. But since it would be cruel and unusual to deprive you of cake until then, I got you this.” He produces a beautifully wrapped pink box and hands it to me.

Eyebrows raised, I tug at the satiny ribbon and carefully open the box. Inside is a chocolate cupcake with intricate frosting that looks like hearts and stars. “Wow,” I say.

“It’s no ordinary cupcake,” he explains. “Inside is a gooey center full of pure dark chocolate.”

“Ooh, yummy.” I smile.

“Here.” He pulls the cupcake out, sticks a golden candle in the center and lights it. The small flame bathes both of us in a warm glow.

Tags: Nadia Lee Elliot & Annabelle Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024