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A Hollywood Bride (Ryder & Paige 2)

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Now I know something is wrong. Ryder’s insouciantly confident glance is one I recognize from his movies, but have never seen him use in real life. It’s too practiced, too…perfect.

However, I also recognize the stubborn set of his jaw. He’s not going to tell me anything right now.

So I keep my eyes on the road and think. I’ve never seen him not delegate tasks. If he could, he’d delegate eating and sleeping.

His phone rests next to his thigh. Who was he texting? And about what?


The name slips into my mind. I scowl. What could he and Ryder possibly have to say to each other now? He knows what my leaving his condo for Ryder means, and he told me that hurting me didn’t give him the satisfaction he wanted.

But he also said that didn’t mean he was going to stop.

Okay, true enough. But he seems too sensible to pursue something that won’t give him anything in return. At least, I hope so.

I breathe deeply. I shouldn’t drive myself crazy with whatever private business Ryder has. It won’t do me any good, and right now, my priority needs to be making sure Bethany and her baby are all right. Once that’s done, I can take the time to talk to Ryder about going overseas and…anything else.

Even with so little time before the wedding, it’s probably a good idea to go somewhere away from the paparazzi and media circus. Try to unplug and pretend that none of the craziness is happening.

The hospital looks brighter and nicer on a sunny day. I park the car, and Ryder, cap and sunglasses in place, comes around to open my door and help me climb out.

We reach Bethany’s room and peek around the corner. It’s private, and large enough that it has a couch that can be used to sleep on. Oliver is seated on it, thumbing through a magazine. I take a quick glance at Ryder and mouth, thank you. The hospital wouldn’t normally have given her this level of treatment.

Bethany’s asleep, her face toward the window, away from the door. I make sure to be as quiet as possible so we don’t wake her up.

Oliver notices us and gets up. He hugs me, then shakes hands with Ryder. My brother-in-law’s shoulders look even narrower than normal, his usually round face slackened into a gaunt oval. Dark circles show under his eyes.

“Did you get any sleep?” I whisper.

He gives me a smile. “Some.” He nods at Ryder. “Thank you for the upgrade.”

Ryder shrugs, shuffling a little. “It’s nothing. The hospital people here like me.”

Wrapping my arm around his waist, I give him a quick squeeze. It’s so sweet to see him uncomfortable about his generosity. If it had been a strip show, he’d be relaxed and bragging about how he paid top dollar for the girls with the best assets.

Bethany murmurs something, then turns to face us. I can’t help it; I actually gasp at the sight.

She looks like she’s been in a boxing match…and lost. Red gashes run across her swollen forehead, cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Ugly yellowish-purple blotches discolor her left temple and jaw.

“Should’ve seen me yesterday,” she jokes, her voice raspy. “I’m actually looking pretty hot this morning.”

“Oh my god…” My hands shake.

“Don’t. I’m feeling okay.” She looks over my shoulder at Ryder standing behind me. “Hey, Ryder.” She gives

him a quick smile like he’s just some guy, rather than one of the most famous actors in the world, which is of course what makes her so awesome.

“Bethany,” he says, his gaze somber. “How are you, really?”

“I’m going to be rich if I get a dollar every time somebody asks me that. I’m doing fine.” She sits up, and Oliver jumps to rearrange the pillows so they support her back. “I had another exam this morning. Everything’s okay, nothing’s broken, and the baby”—her hand rests over her belly—“is doing great. We heard its heartbeat. Strong, loud and fast.”

Oliver kisses the crown of her head. “The doctors think we’re okay, but they said to let them know immediately if we notice anything even remotely abnormal about her condition. Just to be on the safe side.”

“My worry right now is my comic schedule—”

“Bethany!” I can’t believe she’s thinking about work!

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