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Forever Mine

Page 63

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“Hello,” Priya calls from the porch.

“In here.” I shout as I unpack the last of my crockery in the kitchen. Finally, I’ve got the keys to my own place. A small two-bed apartment, but it’s no different from what I’m used to.

“Daddy, I want mummy to see my bedroom,” Bethy says, dragging Priya through the kitchen.

“All right, boo.”

Priya places a large dish on the worktop and continues through into the bedrooms. The aroma of one of her curry dishes fills the kitchen, and I lift the lid and take a peek at the aloo gobi potato dish.

Liv follows with her phone in her hand. “Hey lollipop. How was school?”

She shrugs but doesn’t look up from her screen. “Okay, I guess.”

“Are you gonna show your mum your room?”

She walks into the bedroom, and I hear Priya say how nice it is. The girls picked out some colours, and they helped paint it at the weekend. I’ve tried to make it as nice as their old room. Beth was upset about her doll’s house, but I told her we can make a new one here and the old one will stay at nanny’s house in England.

Priya walks back into the kitchen. “You’ve done a lovely job, Cal. I like the turquoise.”

“I picked that colour, Mum,” Liv says.

“I got you a ticket for Olivia’s dance show. It’s not for a few months, so don’t lose it.” She places an envelope on the counter. “Your ticket is for the Friday, and I’m going on the Saturday, so she has someone at both performances.”

“Thanks. What’s this?” I point to the dish on the worktop.

Priya waves a hand in the air. “It’s nothing. I made a curry and did extra for everyone. I know you’ve been busy lately.”

I’ve been busy? She’s the one that hasn’t stopped; securing herself a part time teaching job while still being a mum and taking care of her folks. And she still finds time to make me dinner. “Thanks. It’s my favourite.”

“I know.” She tilts her head and smiles. “I always think of you when I make it. Usually wanting to tip it over your head.” She covers her mouth as she giggles, and I let out a puff of laughter.

“Funny how I have that effect on people.”

She narrows her eyes, rubbing her chin. “Hmm, I wonder why?”

“Are you staying? I’ll warm it up. There’s plenty for all of us.”

“Stay, Mummy, please.” Bethy looks up at Priya with her big brown eyes. She’s so damn hard to say no to.

Priya smiles. “Oh, go on then. Cal, just pop it in the oven for twenty minutes.”

“I know how to cook.” I roll my eyes as I take the lid off and place it in the middle of the oven.

“Only because I taught you.” She has a smile playing on her lips, trying to get a reaction out of me.

“Fair enough. You taught me how to cook a good curry, but I taught you how to cook a roast dinner.” I lift the new dinner plates I just bought from the cupboard and set them on the worktop. “We’ll have to rough it. I don’t have any furniture yet, other than a coffee table and a small two-seater sofa.”

“That’s okay.” Priya leans on the worktop and taps her fingernails against the laminate. “Did you hear anything back from that interview you had?”

“Nah, but I picked up some freelance work.” I pull out a packet of rice from the cupboard. Good job. I bought some the other day.

She pulls her head back. “Freelance?”

“Yeah, I can work from home. It’ll do until I can get a full time marketing job. Plus I can help out with the girls more.”

She yawns and her tired eyes weep in the corner. “Can you keep the girls until Sunday night? I’m taking care of Dad all weekend to give Mum a rest.”

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