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Forever Mine

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I pull her back before she enters the church. “Say my dad’s hot again, and I’ll have to kill him.”

She laughs. “You have nothing to worry about. I have the newer model, don’t I? While we’re on the subject of killing people though…”

I smirk and kiss the side of her forehead. “Go on.”

“Look at Danni’s breasts again and I’ll gouge your eyes out.” She pecks me on the lips and, with a smile, walks in front of me down the two stone steps of the church.

Everyone we hold dear is here, gathered in the small church. The font sits in the middle of the aisle with the grey-haired vicar standing behind it in white robes, holding a hymn book between his palms. He nods and smiles as we enter and take our seats.

Once everyone is settled, the vicar gives his welcoming speech. “We are gathered here today to baptise Caleb John Richards.”

Hearing his full name fills my chest with pride. It took a while to get his name changed, but now that it’s done, I couldn’t be happier. There’s just one more name change I need to sort. I squeeze Steph’s hand as she sits next to me, and she smiles, gazing into my eyes.

The vicar’s voice muffles as he continues with his speech. All I focus on is her radiant smile, with Caleb sitting on her lap. This kid has somehow made everything right in the world, and brought everyone together again.

Steph stands, snapping me out of my musings as all the Godparents are called to make a circle around the font. Steph hands Caleb to the vicar.

Priya takes a small candle and holds it proud in front of her lilac dress. The glow from the flame highlights her beaming face under her large hat like she’s at a royal wedding.

Justin stands next to her, lighting his candle. His light blue tie matches his gleaming eyes as he smiles at our boy. Steph’s siblings, Sam and Seb, gather round, along with my sister, Cheryl. It’s only right to include Danni in the mix, rounding the Godparent’s off to a nice, even number.

“Danni, would you come up here too,” I say.

She looks behind her, then mouths ‘me?’ pointing at her chest.

“Yeah, you. You’re practically a sister. Come up.”

Steph glances at me, giving me a reassuring smile. Cheryl makes space for her to squeeze in between us and she takes a candle as the vicar proceeds with the baptism.

* * *

After the service,we all head back to our home. We were able to put a sizeable chunk of money down on a decent house after selling both our properties. Nothing massive, but the four bedrooms mean the girls can share the master bedroom with an en suite, and Caleb and Cairen have a room each.

Justin and I set the gazebo and seating up in the garden yesterday, while Steph, her mum, Sam and Maxine prepared the food.

Walking into the house, Lady, our crazy Cocker Spaniel, jumps up at us. “Come on, girl, let’s go outside.” She follows me to the back French doors that open out onto the patio, and I let her out. The guests pile through. Lady jumps up one by one, excited to have fresh people to fuss over her.

Mum takes Caleb. “Hey, Mum.”

“Hello, love. What a lovely service that was.” She kisses my cheek, then places Caleb on the floor as he wriggles out of her arms.

“Doggy.” He tugs on Lady’s floppy spaniel ears, and she jumps on top of his back as if mounting him. Caleb giggles, crawling along the grass with her riding him.

I stare at Steph. “I thought you said girl dogs weren’t randy?”

She laughs and pulls Lady from Caleb. “She’s just excited to see everyone, that’s all.”

Lady runs around the small garden, jumping up at everyone. I whistle to get her attention, but she’s having too much fun.

Mum waves her hand as she smiles at everyone fussing over her. “She’s fine. Everyone loves her, look.”

“Callum, great to see you again.” George, Mum’s neighbour, is here. He’s been hanging around a lot lately, but I’m glad Mum has the company. “You never said you got a puppy.”

“Someone Dean knew was breeding them and since moving into the new house, I figured every family needs a dog, right?” I glance at Steph, and she gives me a peck on my cheek.

“It was a nice surprise, especially for Cairen’s birthday. He’s missed Teddy terribly since he passed. I think it’s helped with his behaviour, too.”

Mum pats Steph on the arm. “That’s lovely, dear. Cal always wanted a dog when he was young, but I worked all the time, and it just wasn’t feasible.”

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