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Forever Mine

Page 184

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His lips turn upwards against my mouth. “Maybe, but I got you, baby. I’ll take care of you too. I promise.” He pulls me back with him as he walks backwards to the bed. I watch him sit on the edge and pull down his jeans and boxers enough to free his erection.

He lifts my floaty knee length dress, and I straddle his thighs. His hand pulls my knickers to the side, and he guides his erection into my slick opening.

“Cal,” I gasp as I bury him under me. Rocking my hips, moaning his name.

The door opens. I jerk, but Cal holds me in place. I turn my head to see his mother.

“Oh, sorry, love.” She shuts the door as quickly as she opened it. I hide my face in the crevice of Cal’s neck.

“Oh my goodness, just kill me now.”

He laughs, lifting my head up and kissing me again. “Fuck it.”

“Okay, if there’s ever a time when you’re allowed to last a minute, it’s now.”

“Are you ever gonna stop going on about that?”

“Never.” I giggle.

He eats my face, biting my lips. I rock against him again, losing myself to him, all worry vanquished for now as I just focus on my ravenous need for him and the need to come.

I really do feel like a teenager again. Every time I’m with him, I’m alive.

* * *


I findMum in the garden playing with Caleb. “How is he?”

“He's been fine.” She glares at me. “Cal, did you have to? Couldn't you wait till after the party? You’re not teenagers anymore.”

I smirk. “I love her, Mum.”

“Clearly. You’re both consumed by each other, just like you were before. I worry about you both. I worry it’s going to end in tears.”

“She loves me. She loves me more than any woman's ever loved me. You don’t need to worry about us.” I pull another beer from the cooler. “Did you want me for something?”

“I was after a spare set of clothes for Caleb, as he had a minor accident. I sorted it.”


“There’s the man of the hour,” Sue calls as she waltzes over to us, practically singing.

“I’m here, Sue. What can I do for my favourite mother-in-law?” I give her my cheesiest grin. She laughs and swats my arm before scooping Caleb from the grass and showering him with kisses.

“Your daddy thinks he’s funny.”

“How have you been, Sue, after your knee operation?” Mum asks.

“Much better, thank you. Callum’s been a godsend, chauffeuring me to the hospital while John and the girls have been at work. I really don’t know what I would have done without him.” She affectionately rubs my arm, giving me a warm smile.

I never thought I’d see the day when I actually felt kindness from her. She’s not all bad. I smile inwardly, thinking if any of my girls brought home a fucking dick like me, he’d be kicked to the curb.

Justin and Maxine catch up with me. He clinks his bottle of beer against mine. “Are you all set for your trip next week?”

“Yeah, but Steph thinks we’re going to the lakes for her birthday, so keep it all hush-hush.”

“No worries. Who’s having the dog?”

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