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The Payback (Team Zulu 2)

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He tested the handle. “No.”

My pulse pounded at my temple. “Two men with machine guns are about to check your room. You need to hide.” My breath caught. “I’m so sorry. It’s over. They’re going to find you.”

The door to the sitting room opened, and I swore everything happened in slow motion. Brandon pressed his large body to the wall, hidden for the moment by the door as it swung inward.

The two Dobermans charged for the window, barking and snarling. I heard every vicious sound through Brandon’s phone as though I were there.

In a frenzy, the dogs clawed at the glass, their hot breath fogging the window. When the fierce barking continued, one guard spoke into a radio on his shoulder. “Jones to Hopper. Call off your dogs before they break through the damn glass.” The one with the radio shook his head as he watched the handler arrive, attach leads to the canines, then drag them away.

Without moving farther inside, the guards took a cursory glance around the sitting room before retreating and closing the door behind them.

I tried swallowing, but my mouth was too dry.

Brandon loosed a sharp breath. “That was fun.” Although when I glanced at him through the camera, he wasn’t smiling.

“They’re leaving,” I said. “Well, they’re checking the rest of the rooms along the hallway, but they’re moving away from you.” A nervous laugh escaped me. “I can’t believe they didn’t find you.”

Brandon winked. “We make a good team. Told you you’d get me through this.”

“Don’t count your chickens yet, big guy. Just make it back safe before you start calling this a success.” I checked the hallway. “All right. They’ve inspected the last room and are on their way to the west wing. You’re clear to head for the kitchen.”

“Copy that.”

Brandon moved with a confidence that must come from years of training and experience. I wondered if he felt nervous at all.

As he strode through the kitchen, the guy napping in the storeroom didn’t stir, so Brandon continued to the delivery door.

“Anyone outside I should be aware of?” he asked while waiting at the door.

“The dogs are still over on the north side. There’s one guard outside the east wing, but he’s patrolling back and forth, so you’ll be clear once he heads north again.” I wiped my sweaty palms on my pajama shorts. “Brandon, once you head for the perimeter wall, there’s a giant blind spot in the cameras. I’ll lose you—lose sight of you, I mean.” To get out, he’d have to traverse almost a mile of forest without my help.

“Not for long. I’ll be home before you know it.” Brandon stared into the camera, talking directly to me. “Sage, I’m going to end the call and destroy the cell phone so I can’t be tracked.”

When Brandon had first called, it’d seemed like too much to hope for a good outcome. And now that he was so close to getting out safely, I was more nervous than ever.

“I understand.” I wouldn’t hear from Brandon again until he made it back.Ifhe made it back. If anything went wrong from here on in, this could be the last time I ever spoke to him. A lump rose in my throat. “You remember how much I hate bullet holes in you, right?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I remember.” There was a long pause, and I thought he might be about to say something cocky, but instead he asked, “Am I clear to go?”

I rubbed my stinging nose. “Yeah, you should have a two-minute window.” I didn’t wish him luck. That seemed like a bad omen.

“All right. I’ll see you within the hour.” The phone line went dead, but I continued to watch Brandon as he exited the mansion and disappeared into the surrounding trees.

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