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It’s been a while since I’ve gotten my hands dirty, but after my semi-argument with Bishop I need it.More than anything I want to feel like myself.A way I haven’t since I found out I was pregnant.

“Thought I might find you out here,” Justice says as she comes through the doorway of the big garage at the clubhouse.“Caelin and I came out to check on Bishop.”

“Thanks for doing that.”

My tone is clipped, I’m not angry at her, but more frustrated with everyone.

“Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

She has a seat not far away from me.Justice never learned to work on cars or bikes, and if it were up to me I’d be doing it at the shop, but dad was afraid I’d be a distraction.So I do what I can to be near to what I love.

“He’s scared,” I blow my hair out of my face, taking each spark plugs out one by one.“He’s worried he’ll never be able to overcome how he was raised.”

“Ya know.”Justice takes a drink from a beer bottle.I’m jealous of her right now.“I worried I’d never be able to overcome the fear of being kidnapped.I was afraid I’d always look over my shoulder.”

“But you don’t do that anymore,” I remind her.

“I don’t,” she agrees.“But it was because I finally proved to myself I had a say in what happened to me.Once he understands he’s able to be the father he wants to be, he’ll be good.It’ll come to him a little at a time, and one day he’ll look around and realize he’s doing all the things he never thought he would be able to do.”

I stop taking out my spark plugs and gaze at her.“So basically I have to trust him.”

“Love is about trust, and if anyone loves Bishop it’s you.”

“But the question is do I trust him?”I wipe at the sweat on my forehead.

Justice giggles.“You know you do, and you got a little something right there.”She points to my forehead.

I roll my eyes, huffing.Rubbing my hands over my face, I giggle.“What about now?Did I get it?”

She laughs along with me.“Smeared it.”

Reaching forward, I rub my palms on her face too.“If I’m in this, you’re with me.”

“Always,” Justice tips her beer bottle at me.“Whenever you need me, I’m right there.”

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