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Jaded (Jaded 1)

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His eyes narrowed as they took in my relaxed state and saw that Bryce mirrored my look. It had been practiced and perfected throughout our lifetime because of parents who thought they could tell us what to do. Or, at least, that's what my third shrink told me when I made the not-so-startling revelation that I struggled with authority. It was because my parents were never parents to me. The little they chose to stick around didn't grant them the right to suddenly turn parent on me for two holidays of the year.

I had liked that shrink, but my parents hadn't.

"No, Miss Jeneve." He sighed and shook his head. "No, I am not. Unlike every other adult figure in your life, I'm going to make you learn something. I think, from now on, you and Mr. Scout will be tutored in the library by two of my student aides."

Shelly gasped beside me and I cast a curious look her way.

And to this, she ducked her head back into her book and tried to ignore everything else. Interesting.

"Are you serious?" Bryce yawned. "We get an hour to ourselves in the library instead of coming here?"

"Trust me." Mr. Dwellsworth grinned, in all his evils delight that a teacher could muster. "You won't be enjoying yourselves."

I didn't really care what our 'discipline' was, but I spoke up, "Are you serious? Just because I spoke up for a friend doesn't give you the right to expel us to the library. You have no reason to remove us from this classroom."

"Oh, Miss Jeneve." Mr. Dwellsworth shook his head. "You are not being removed from this class."

"Shut up, Sheldon," Bryce murmured. "We get out of here."

It wasn't the point.

"You may both leave now, but if you are not in the library when my student aides report there, you will receive detention for the rest of the week."

Well, it was pretty obvious to everyone what we were going to do. Detention it would be!

Bryce stood and waited at the door for me.

I heard Chad starting to laugh just before the door shut behind us.

In the hallway, Bryce asked, "What was that about?"

I shrugged. "I had a point."

"Whatever. I think he's getting used to us after two years." He chuckled. "Wanna skip?"

"That's what got us into this punishment in the first place."

But we both knew we were going to go.

Bryce shot me one of his melting grins. He tugged me close and rested his forehead against mine. As his lips rested above mine, he said again, "Let's go somewhere else."

"And do what?" I smiled and enjoyed the brush of my lips against his. Bryce transferred my book into his hands and clasped me closer to him. I reached around his neck, bringing my body flush against his. Turning, he backed me up against a locker and then started to kiss my neck.

"You guys need a room."

Who else? Only a few would dare… Corrigan.

Bryce didn't stop.

"What are you doing out of class?" I remained in his arms and tilted my neck for better access.

Corrigan leaned against the locker beside us and stuffed his hands into his pockets. He looked dejected when he mumbled, "Nothing. I could go for some food."

I teased, "Isn't Becky Lew in your second period?"

Corrigan rolled his eyes and pushed off from the locker. "You guys coming or not? My treat."

I sighed and Bryce felt it so he stepped away.

We shared a glance and both turned to follow our best friend. Something else was up. When we got outside, I saw that Corrigan was already in my car.

"Of course," I said sarcastically as I took the driver's seat. "You're the one who wants food, but I'm the one driving."

Corrigan grinned at me. "You like driving stick, Sheldon. We all know it."

I shared a resigned look in the rear-view mirror with Bryce before he laid down in the backseat.

"No sleeping," I remarked as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Yeah. Yeah," Bryce mumbled back, but Corrigan turned and punched his best friend in the stomach.

Without shock, pause, a reaction, anything—Bryce reached up and slammed Corrigan's head against his headrest.

I shook my head, grinned, and pulled out into the street. This is why we were best friends.

"Oomph," Corrigan breathed.

Bryce laughed and punched Corrigan in the shoulder before he went back down.

"So what's up with this impromptu food trip?" I asked, shifting gears.

"No reason. I'm just hungry," Corrigan murmured as he turned back in his seat. He tapped the dashboard for awhile and then reached to change the radio station.

Uh, that wasn’t normal. When Bryce sat up and met my gaze in the rear-view mirror, I knew he thought the same thing. Corrigan was evading my question. Corrigan only evaded when he was upset.

"Right, you're just hungry." Bryce studied his best friend.

"If you wanted food, you would've gone to the vending machine," I added and pulled into my house's driveway.

"Thought we'd go to a restaurant or something," Corrigan protested.

I didn't like restaurants. He knew that.

"Whatever," I brushed it off as I climbed out and led the way into my kitchen.

Having rich parents had its benefits. When I requested a chef to come in, a chef came in. I wasn’t a hearty eater so the chef was only requested when Corrigan and Bryce ate through my stock. As they did now—they both attacked the fridge to find lasagna while I heated some grilled chicken. It wasn’t long until we headed for the media room and I curled on the couch as the guys sat on each end. They inhaled their food.

After Corrigan got up for more, I leaned forward and punched Bryce on the arm.

"What?" he asked as he cradled his arm.

"You start it."

We both knew what I meant.

A pained look crossed his face. "Oh, come on. You're the girl. Be girly."

I punched him again.

"Ow! That one hurt."

"Bryce," I warned.

"Fine. Alright, just stop hitting me."

I raised my fist again, but Bryce caught it and hauled me onto his lap.

He grinned in satisfaction as he leaned back against the couch. Both of his hands moved to my hips and he held me in place when I moved to slide off.

"This will be more enjoyable if you stay exactly where you are."

Hearing the microwave door open and shut, I leaned forward, kissed Bryce quickly and twisted his nipple.

"Ow! That hurt too," Bryce cried out.

I slid off his lap as Corrigan returned with his second helping. Another heated look passed between us, but then Bryce groaned. "Alright, man. What's up?"

Corrigan froze mid-chew and looked over.

He finished chewing, swallowed, and settled back against the couch. He kept his plate on his lap.

Bryce looked at me with raised eyebrows, but I watched Corrigan instead.

"Alright…you should know…I'm moving."

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