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Still Jaded (Jaded 2)

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understanding on his face. His shoulders dropped, and his voice went soft. "I should've protected you better."

I shrugged. Whatever. "They were reporters. They were harmless."

Bryce moved closer. "I'm not talking about them."


"Stop." I moved back. I held out my arms to stop him, but I couldn't see through my tears.

"Oh." And Grace understood.

Bryce pulled me into his arms and tucked his chin into the crook of my shoulder. He whispered as he rubbed my arm in a tender motion, "I didn't want this. I won't let them hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you again."

He meant the Marcus Donadelis out there. It was the second time he'd reassured me about him. There was something extra in Bryce's tone this time.

I felt it. I felt him. He really would do anything to stop someone.

I sighed and hugged Bryce back. My fists slowly uncurled, and I clung to him.

We stood like that for a few moments, and then Grace coughed. "Uh…what happened with Corrigan tonight?"

I started to pull away, but Bryce kept me close for another second. He pressed a swift kiss to my forehead. "It won't happen again. Promise."

Then he shut the television off and went upstairs.

"Sheldon, what happened with Corrigan?" Grace's voice rose.

I sighed and opened my mouth. I was ready to tell her. I was ready to tell her that Corrigan had heard, and I knew she would be mortified again, but the doorbell rang. Then it rang again. Then someone pounded on the door. I cursed, but heard Bryce at the door. When I heard the raised voices, I recognized Corrigan and shot upstairs.


That was all I heard from Grace before I turned the corner and saw Bryce as he blocked Corrigan in the doorway. Raz and Michael were with him. Both seemed reluctant to be there. Not Corrigan.

"Bryce, I gotta make things right with her. You know us. Let me in."

"And I'm saying no. I want to know what's going on between the two of you. She's never attacked you before."

I held my breath. I wasn't sure what I was going to hear.

Corrigan sighed. "Look, it's nothing. She pulled away this year. She's been here, but she's also not been here. Tonight was the sixth time she's come over to the house. Sixth time in a year! She hasn't been Sheldon, not really."

Then there was silence. I expected Bryce to say something, but he was quiet. His head hung down, and I held my breath again. Everything was such a mess.

Then Bryce sighed, "If it's any consolation, I think she went a little crazy when you left to be with your mom."


Bryce shook his head. "We all have issues, especially from that kid."

Corrigan fell silent now. He seemed slightly relieved, but there was something else. His eyes skirted around, like he wasn't sure if he should say anything or not, but he looked at Bryce—who was staring outside. I followed his eyes and gasped.

All heads snapped to me. Bryce cursed swiftly while Corrigan surged inside, "Sheldon? What's wrong?"

At the gate to my estate was a media van. Lights were flashing. Another van pulled up. Its door burst open, and two cameramen jumped out. They set up their cameras, the lights clicking on, and I knew they were rolling. Reporters started to line up outside the gate, and one approached. He was going to walk up the driveway.

I raced for my nearest control panel and hit the switch. I heard the gate closing. When they shouted in protest, my shoulders sagged in relief. They couldn't see anymore.

When I returned, the guys had moved to the front porch. They gazed at the wall that now barricaded the media from my home.

"I had it installed after Marcus Donadeli."

Corrigan and Bryce both looked at me.

"Sheldon…" Corrigan began.

I shook my head. "I heard what you said. We're fine. I attacked you, and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

"No, you had every right. I…I said…well, I shouldn't have called you out on something, and I did. I understand. It's okay. I'm sorry."

I looked away. The truth was that Marcus Donadeli had worked a number on all three of us. What I said was true—Corrigan had almost died because of him. And Bryce had been violated too.

I remarked, "Leisha and Bailey's families got the worst of it."

Both Corrigan and Bryce grunted in agreement. We still had each other. Those families had lost their daughters.

"Holy, talk about being screwed up. You have an effing moat, Sheldon," Corrigan laughed. "Is there a secret drawbridge? Is that how we're going to get out? Do we have to go through crocodiles and sharks?"

And the serious moment was gone. The jovial Corrigan was back.

"The reporters are the crocodiles and sharks." Bryce wrapped an arm around my shoulder to draw me against his side. "It serves them right."

"You are a rad rad girl," Raz mused.

Michael grinned. That same odd look was on his face.

Then Grace called out from behind us, "Sheldon? What's going on?"

I twisted to see her, but caught Corrigan's sudden frozen state. It didn't last long. No one said a word as he brushed past her. Grace was left shaken in the hallway. Her head hung a little as she watched him go, but then she met my gaze.

I flinched at the hurt in her eyes. And then I knew that something had happened between them. Oh hell. This wasn't something I wanted to deal with. I couldn't handle hurt feelings and confessions that had real depth to them. I could barely handle my own crap, much less someone else's. But it didn't stop me from being the friend I needed to be. After the guys headed back inside, I found Grace back downstairs. She had curled up on a couch and I perched on the corner. "Is there something going on with you and Corrigan?"

She brushed away a few tears. "What do you mean?"


She flung her hands down, but the tears continued to fall. "Corrigan and I slept together before you left for Europe."

"What?!" But I wasn't surprised, not really.

"I know. He was with Logan, and you know how Corrigan was at that time. I mean, he told me to my face that I 'was not hot.' You guys were awful that last year. You and Corrigan were especially mean because you would band together against people. Bryce, he just usually didn't talk to people unless they were in his circle or something. But you two—you guys went after people. It was awful. I remember Corrigan was always saying that stuff to me."

I moved forward. I wanted to protest or apologize, but Grace waved me off. She combed her fingers through her hair. "He came and found me one night because he was worried about you. He said that he thought things weren't okay with you, like something was wrong and you weren't talking about it. I asked him what Bryce thought, and Corrigan wouldn't tell me anything. And…things just led from one thing to another. Pretty soon…I sinned, Sheldon. I lost my virginity that night."

I narrowed my eyes, took in Grace's genuine distress, and stormed off. I swept through the kitchen, out the dining room, and found Corrigan with Bryce in the pool area where they lounged beside a table. Both jumped up when they saw the rage on my face.

Corrigan gulped. He held out his hands. "Don't attack! Don't hit me, Sheldon!"

I stopped just short. My hands balled into fists. "You took her virginity!"

"I did—yes. What's the crime in that?"

Bryce groaned. "Oh God."

"You took advantage of her! She's my friend, Corrigan!"

"I did not! I so did not, and weren't you harping on me because I hadn't dealt with her being in love with me? You were the one that let that cat out of the bag. What's your deal, Sheldon? You're like a maniac tonight."

I surged forward.

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