Dirty Hearts: Interracial Russian Mafia Romance - Page 2

How could I not hire more men?

“You’ve been busy, mysh.”

“I have not.”

The past days played in my mind. Several uniformed men had come to the house. Some form of government officials. Maybe even high-level military. Each time, Kazimir refused to talk to them.

When I wasn’t with my men down in the ghetto, Kazimir took up my time. He’d taken me all over his city. I was still learning the area but getting some direction of where I was.

During those moments, he took his time speaking to me in Russian. Patient as fuck, he’d become my personal tutor, rewarding me with his cock whenever I improved vocabulary and pronunciation.

“Kaz, I’ve only been busy with you.”

“Still…you’re making moves. I gave you seven men. I counted ten this morning.”

“I thought it would be a good idea to have more guys.”

“Interesting, and how many new guys have you hired?”

I cleared my throat. “Just thirty.”

His low chuckle came from my side. “Barely a week since we killed Sasha, and you’re preparing for another war?”

“I…actually don’t know what I’m doing.”


“No. I just feel bad for them.”

“Your men?”

“Yes, and the whole area.” I continued, “This might be messed up to say, but…they’re Afro-Russian. I’m used to being around a lot of black people. They make me think of Harlem.”

“Then, we’ll put Harlem in Moscow.”

I smirked. “Is that what we’ll do?”

He ignored the question. “What’s your plan for these extra men?”

“I’m going to see what they’re good at, and then have them do it a lot until they make money for themselves.”

“Good plan.” His hands left my body. “What do you need from me?”

I thought about the bank accounts he’d opened in my name three days ago. Both held more money than I’d seen in my lifetime. “You’ve given me enough. I can figure it out from here.”

“No,” he whispered on my other side as if he’d slowly been circling me.

“No, what?”

“No. Never say that I’ve given you enough. I want to spoil you.”

“You already have.”

“What do you need, mysh?”

I thought about it for a few seconds. “Guns.”

“Guns?” His chuckle came from behind. “Most girlfriends just want flowers and puppies.”

Hearing the word girlfriend was still hard to swallow, but I did as my smile widened.

I heard him on my other side. “What else do you need?”

“Your cock. Right…now.”

“Patience, mysh.”

I didn’t know why I’d agreed to being tied and blindfolded. It was already too hard to know his moves with my eyes open and hands free. Here I was, completely vulnerable to him, and I felt so safe. So protected. Completely loved. Absolutely unable to lie or strategically word my answers.

Kazimir’s lips brushed mine. Warmth settled low in my belly. I itched to run my fingers through his hair.

“I want you more and more each day.” His voice bound me tightly to him, more than the ribbons ever could. “And this need is driving me insane.”

Those words reduced me to a trembling pool of longing. Drowning, I reached out with my senses, seeking balance as a horde of emotions rioted. My head spun out of control. This was all new to me. I didn’t know how much of my struggles with our relationship dealt with fear of love or us possibly moving too fast.

“And this need is driving me insane.”

“I’m yours.” My words went low, exposing my vulnerability. “Do whatever you want.”


Silence reigned. His footsteps echoed, telling me he’d walked away. Panic raged in me.

Blindly, I turned my head from side to side. “Kaz?” I tried to move my bound arms. “Come back.”

“Promise me something.” Kaz’s slow, deliberate footsteps echoed against the marble floor. “Let me teach you how to navigate in my world. Who else could?”

I loved the idea. I just didn’t enjoy being a charity case. I knew Kazimir had more important things to do than hold my hand and show me around.

Could I learn from him?

Kazimir ruled the world because he was Kazimir. Some things couldn’t be taught. The characteristics that made him the boss of all bosses were imbedded deep within his muscular frame.

Unsure of what to say, I parted my lips.

He responded, “Whatever you were planning, I want you to stop. Let me take you under my wing for this year, and then you go out confidently on your own.”

A year under your wing? I’m sure I’ll be under your cock too.

An offer to mentor might’ve upset me long ago. I’d wanted Kazimir to respect my mind over my body. I needed him to see me as useful, but that had been a learning lesson and a bag of insecurities I would no longer unzip.

Kazimir would show me the ropes, but he would also be watching my every move and making sure I was safe. It had nothing to do with the fact that he didn’t think I was capable of handling myself. He knew who I was.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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