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Dirty Hearts: Interracial Russian Mafia Romance

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He kept his face straight. The red tint returned. “I’m just wondering what your mouse is doing and if it will deal with us?”

“Never wonder about my mouse. It’s a very dangerous way to live. My mouse is not a part of the brotherhood.”


“Go ahead.” My smile deepened. “You’re already juggling your balls in your hand. You might as well tug them till you come.”

Anger showed on Abram’s face. “She’s been in my territory, recruiting men.”

“I took her there.”

“For all of them?”

I rose from the table, not needing to explain myself any further. If she wanted to hire a thousand men and women from his district, it was none of Abram’s business.

I’d thrown a party to celebrate, and they’d welcomed her with cut-off monkey heads. I would never forgive them. Everyone was lucky they were alive today.

Nikolay raised his hand and held a smirk.

I growled. “Yes?”

“Are there rules when it comes to your mouse’s people?”


Abram spoke up. “Can we kill them?”

Zahkar added, “Can we fuck them?”

A few turned his way.

Zahkar shrugged. “My people say she’s employed women. Good looking ones.”

Emily had just employed them, and Zahkar’s people had already discovered. I’d left too many holes around me, making me weak. This war had left me open and with that, my mouse was under their view too.

Should I kill every man in this room? Would that change anything?

I considered taking everyone’s life. It would be easy. Every last person who had been at the ball could die, but I didn’t know if it would change anything or leave me weaker for attacks.

No. I shouldn’t kill everyone yet. I need to get Emily safe and far away from this. But how?

Zahkar gave a devilish grin. “How many people will she have and what are their responsibilit—”

“It’s none of your business.” I glared at him. “My mouse can do what she pleases and doesn’t have to answer to any of you.”

However, you will answer my questions.

“End of the meeting for now.” I turned to Pavel. “Get Misha here.”

Everyone rose with me.

I scanned the room. “We’ll return in a few days. No one leaves Moscow until this is done. Let’s give Misha time to bury his father and then we’ll get the new territories and division of goods in order. Sasha had New York, a lot of the east coast, and most of the west. We’ll need to decide what happens in America.”

“And Luka’s hold in the Middle East,” Abram added.

“Wait in Moscow and remain close.” I left the table, put my back to them, and walked over to my window.

Chapter 5


Once I put my back to them, the meeting ended.

Noise sounded behind me. They’d be heading off to complain among themselves. It was impossible to please everyone, and with so much money and territory up for grabs, there would be unrest for several days.

I watched Emily’s building, unable to focus on anything else. Some psycho had threatened her. One of my own. They’d snuck onto my property, cut up animals’ heads, and placed it on the bed where I made love to her. I’d left us defenseless in many cases. It was now time to build those defenses back up.

Misha, you have to help me.

Surely he understood his new position. He was Igor’s son, after all. Bred from Uncle Igor—a man of old traditions that grew from the ancient Russian thieves.

Misha will understand and seize the opportunity.

I watched Emily’s building, not getting any indication of what she was doing over there. All her men and women had remained inside. Earlier, they’d carried in boxes. Construction workers hammered and sawed on several sections.

I let out along sigh.

My mouse is too smart to show her hand so easily.

The door shut loudly behind me.

I glanced over my shoulder.

Pavel entered. “Your men are coming to me for orders. Why?”

“You’re my number two.”

“I’ve been hired?”

“You have.”

“I thought I would get some orientation.”

“This is it.”

He joked, “And the pay and health benefits?”

“Ask for what you want, and you’ll get it. Just get this guy who’s cutting the monkey heads first.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“That’s not enough.”

Pavel got to my side. “Your own men could be cutting the heads.”

“I figured as much.”

“This could get dirty.”

“Whoever did it knew the price.”

“That’s the other problem.”

A psycho with a purpose.

Silence hung in the air.

When I’d fell in love with Emily, I had not considered racism’s ugly head. Why would anyone care who I gave my heart to?

But there were those who would. Hateful people thriving on toxic ideas.

Racism was a monster I hadn’t yet battled. What gun could take it out? What bullet? What knife could cut it away? How thick did the blade need to be to slice the ugliness?

Hate based on color, religion, or ethnicity took many forms—prejudice, discrimination, acts of abuse, harassment. Violent or intimidating behavior. Racial name-calling and insensitive jokes. Exclusion. These were things I understood from looking at other countries. From using their weaknesses against them.

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