Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 3

Wyatt glared. “Where is he?”

“I swear. I don’t know.”

“I don’t trust you. Did he go get help from someone?”

“We don’t know anyone here.”

He slipped the gun down my forehead and traced the curve of my nose. “I know. I’ve been watching. You keep to yourself. You better.”

“How long have you been watching?”

“Two days.”

I shivered.

He moved the gun’s tip under my nose and then pressed it against my top lip. “Open your mouth.”

I did.

He pushed the gun between my lips. “I missed you.”

I kept my mouth wide, not even letting my teeth clamp onto the metal. Screams rose inside my head. I did my best to not gag on the bitter taste of the gun. For now, he held the power. One pull of the trigger and my head would explode into bits and pieces.

Wyatt stared into my eyes. “Did you miss me?”

I couldn’t speak so I tried to make a sound that resembled a yes.

“Liar.” He pushed the gun an inch deeper into my mouth. The tip sat on my tongue.

Whimpering, I rose on my toes, trying to take the weight off my throat.

He pulled the gun out and wiped off my saliva with his shirt. “Show me your bedroom.”

Panting, I hurried off and counted my blessings that he’d forgotten about Jalen’s whereabouts. For now, Wyatt would be ready to stick his dick inside of me. I didn’t know if I could go through with it.

If he puts the gun down, then I can do something. Bite him. Scratch his damn eyeballs out. Anything.

An eagerness laced Wyatt’s voice. “Hurry.”

I increased my pace, got to my bedroom, and opened the door.

He followed, slammed the door behind him, and closed it. “Take off your clothes.”

Remember. You know what to do. You’ve practiced over and over. You can do it.

Not undressing, I inched back to my bed and lowered to my knees. “I’m sorry for everything.”

He beamed. His whole face brightened as if I’d given him a present. Long ago, that expression had warmed my heart. Now it brought disgust, twisting my stomach and making me want to vomit.

“Please, let me make it up to you.” I held my hands into a praying position. “I’m so sorry. I won’t run again.”

“No?” He walked over, set the gun on the nightstand next to the bed, and unbuckled his pants. “You said that before.”

“I run when I’m scared.”

“Not true. If you were really scared of me, you wouldn’t run.”

“I’m sorry.” I looked down at the floor as he came closer and finished undoing his pants.

“How are you going to make it up to me?” He pulled his dick out. “Huh? How are you going to say sorry?”

Cold fear filled me. I raised my head and opened my mouth.

“That’s right, Ebony.” He grabbed the back of my head hard.

I widened my eyes and looked up at him.

“You bite me, and I’ll fucking knock out all of your teeth.”

“I won’t bite.”

He licked his lips. “You better not.”

Don’t throw up. It’ll only be a little bit.

My body went numb as he slipped his hard dick between my lips. As soon as he groaned, I slid my right hand under my bed and grabbed the knife.

“There you go, Ebony.” He pushed deeper between my lips and then slipped his dick back, slowly fucking my mouth.

Don’t throw up. You can do it. You can do it.

“Oh, Ebony,” Wyatt groaned. “I missed you.”

Mouth full of his cock, I watched him. He fell into ecstasy, rocking his hips and pumping his disgusting dick into my mouth,. As soon as he closed his eyes, I raised the knife up, quickly pulled my mouth away, and slammed it into his dick.

Blood sprayed on my face.

“Ah!” He roared in pain.

The knife remained lodged at the center of his crotch. Not exactly splitting his dick, but definitely piercing the top of where his length met his body. He screamed in horror, staring at it with shaking hands.

“You bitch! What did you do!?” He staggered and whirled around, appearing unsure of how to fix it.

I ran for the gun, picked it up, and pointed.

And then my bedroom door opened.

Jalen entered with a bat. I didn’t think my little boy even seen what was going on. All he did was swing at his dad.

Jalen struck him in the back.

With his pants half down, Wyatt fell to his knees.

Kia rushed in next with the stun gun, pulled the trigger, and shocked Wyatt in his temple.

“Okay! Okay!” I yelled at them and pointed the gun at Wyatt. “Get in the car, guys. Hurry!”

They didn’t move as Wyatt groaned in pain.

Kia glanced at my gun, and then Jalen.

What was going through their minds.? Did they think I should shoot him? Could I?

Poppy entered the now silent room, holding her teddy bear.

“Get your stuff.” I trembled.

“I’m going to die here!” Wyatt’s hands shook as he tried to decide pull at the knife. “Call 911! Kids, you see what she’s doing to Daddy? Help me!”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024