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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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“It’s not ridiculous,” Jalen mumbled.

I crossed my arms across my chest. “Goodnight, guys.”

Jalen got under the blankets. “Goodnight, mommy.”

I smiled. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” He closed his eyes.

Kia looked over her shoulder. “Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you even more.”

Kia stuck her tongue at her brother. “Don’t love you, J.”

“Don’t love you, Stinkapontomus to the tenth power.”

“Okay. Okay.” I turned off the lights. “Goodnight, guys.”

Silence came.

I still hadn’t undressed. I went over to the bathroom, turned on that light, and kept the door open so that we could see. Once I knew for sure that they were really asleep, I turned my attention to the room we’d occupy for the night. There was a big closet on the other side of the room—empty and clean of dust.

He’s really neat. We’ll have to make sure to leave the space how we found it.

There was a big dresser next to the door.

I stared at it and then checked to see if the kids were asleep. Once I was sure, I carefully pushed the dresser in front of the door, just in case Yoshiro tried to come inside while we were sleeping. He’d given me no reason to be paranoid. But our life had caused us anxiety. Until I knew all danger was gone, I would always be on guard.

I spotted the shotgun next to the door.

Yoshiro had never asked for it back.

I didn’t like the idea of it being near the bed. Jalen or even Poppy could wake up and play with it. I figured they knew better, but kids accidentally shot themselves all the time. I opened the closet and put the weapon on the top shelf, keeping the door open just in case I needed to run and get it.

Finally, once I thought we were safe, I put on my own pajamas, walked over to the window, and gazed out.

Snow continued to fall. Moonlight made the snow glow. The wind shrieked every few minutes. My SUV was just a humped-white shape on the lot. Clumps of large flakes hugged the trees.

What will we do?

I lightly massaged my temples and pushed back all thoughts of Wyatt earlier today. There’d been so much horror and strife. It was odd to see the kids peacefully sleep.

What kind of crazy childhood have I given them? How can I save it? How can I make things better?

My first goal was to get us even farther away from Wyatt. Somewhere safe. A place that Wyatt could never find us.

I thought about how many books I would have to write to get some land. Even more than I’d already done. So far I had reached twenty erotic novels. Thank God writing had become my passion. With each book, I barely made enough to take care of us. But as more books came, a fan base started to expand. Word of mouth increased the sales.

Just keep writing and running. One day. . .we won’t have to run anymore.

In that moment, I realized I had left my laptop at the apartment.

Goddamn it!

I didn’t know how I would fix that. My royalties would come in at the end of the month. I would have enough to buy another cheap laptop and maybe rent us a studio. It would be a tight month, but somehow we would make it.

We always do.

I turned to my sleeping kids. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. I would sell my body—my soul—if I had to.

Everything is going to be okay. That’s the only outcome I’ll allow.

I left the window, got on the bed, and gazed at Poppy.

She spoke. Of all times, I didn’t think today’s craziness would’ve had her say anything.

I ran my hand through her light brown dreadlocks.


I grinned.

We’ll get you as many dogs as you want. Just say something else, baby. Anything. Don’t let your sicko daddy take your voice, baby. It’s all yours.

Tears welled in my eyes as I kissed her cheek. “I love you.”

Chapter 5



I should’ve gone to sleep, but I couldn’t. Those bruises on Ebony’s face as well as her daughter Kia stayed in my mind. What sort of monster could do that to such pretty faces? Was it Ebony’s husband or boyfriend? Or was it some other insane person? A relative like a father or uncle?

Whoever had done it, it had to be a man. At least a human that thought he was a man.

She wouldn’t tell me who did it. I could tell that she kept her secrets as close to her as her kids. They’d moved like a military unit, experienced in war.

What the hell have they been through?

I should’ve closed my eyes and tried to nod off. Instead, I did the opposite.

Groaning, I left the bed, pulled on my boots, put on my coat, and gestured for Salt and Pepa to come with me. “Come on, girls. We have one more thing to do.”

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