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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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What am I doing?

Never had I wanted to help someone so much. And no matter how I tried to rationalize it in my brain—she reminded me of my mother. Also, saving Ebony would be like saving my ex-wife and son.

I knew there was something else. Something that I wasn’t ready to understand or deal with. Something lurking deep within my soul.

The wind blew flakes around me.

I let a long breath out.

White smoke rose from my lips.

Laughter came from inside and then Pepa’s cheerful howling. Besides the dog, it was all new sounds for this property. And when I heard it, part of me wished those sounds would be a daily occurrence.

This will work.

Chapter 8

A Big Decision


Yoshiro came in and made pancakes for everyone. No matter how much I tried to help, he refused. I wasn’t used to taking help.

I’ll have to figure out a way to pay him back.

After breakfast, I put my phone down and demanded that the kids and I would clean. He tried to refuse that. We out-voted him. With a smirk, Yoshiro gave in and said he would go paint. Seconds later, he disappeared down a hallway near the living room.

Jalen looked at me. “Was Yoshiro the one who painted the dragons on the wall?”

I stared off in that direction. “Maybe.”

“Okay.” Kia rose from the table. “I’ve got dishes. You’re drying, Jalen.”

“What?” He frowned. “I want to wash dishes.”

“Good.” Kia smiled. “You wash dishes, then I’ll dry.”

“Wait a minute.” Jalen shook his head.

“Too late.” Kia stuck her tongue out. “You volunteered for washing the dishes.”

“Then, you didn’t even want to wash the dishes in the first place.”

“Sucker.” She giggled and took her plate over to the sink. “That’s what you get for always trying to outsmart me.”

Jalen pouted. “Mom!”

“I’m out of it. Just clean the kitchen.” I went over to Poppy who had only ate a few pancakes and then rushed off to play with the dogs. Next to the fireplace, she sat between both of them, rubbing the top of their heads.

I pointed at Salt and Pepa. “Dogs.”

Poppy gave me an odd look as if to say, “Duh, Mommy.”

While I didn’t want to push it, I desperately yearned to hear her speak again. It gave me hope. It fueled me some more.

One of the dogs licked her hand.

Poppy giggled.

I still hadn’t figured out which one was Salt and the other Pepa.

Minutes passed.

I didn’t know how long I sat there watching Poppy pet and giggle with the dogs. All I knew was that it was the most relaxing thing I had done all year. For once, I didn’t have to jump up every few hours to glance out the window. Wyatt wouldn’t be on his way. Everybody was snowed in, and hopefully he sat in somebody’s hospital.

Maybe, he’s on his death bed.

It was wrong, but a smile appeared on my face.

After a while, I glanced over my shoulder. Kia and Jalen had finished cleaning. I had no idea where they’d escaped to. That wasn’t our way. We always told each other where we were going, even if it was to the bathroom.

I sighed, knowing that it was all just a sign that everyone had let down their guard for the day. We’d crowded each other so much in fear. It was a breath of fresh air just to sit back and enjoy a lazy day.

Should I do some homeschool? No. They deserve a break. We’ve been through enough yesterday.

When I fled three years ago, we landed in the middle of California—in a town called North Fork. I had enrolled them in the school. That was how Wyatt found them the first time. He tried to pick them up. I had to enter the school through the back, explain what happened to the principal, and then sneak them away. The whole time the staff held Wyatt in the office, pretending the kids were on the way.

I didn’t put the kids in school after that. Their education shifted to online courses for homeschooling families. It was difficult at the start, but once they got in the habit of logging in and doing the work, there was no problem. Due to their courses being online, I kept extra iPads in their book bags so they could finish their schooling through Wyatt’s disturbances.

Leaving the kitchen, I plopped down on the couch next to Poppy..

After that, I must’ve fell asleep. All I knew was that when I woke up, the sky was darkening, the snowing had stopped, and the kids were laughing outside among lots of barking.

I checked my watch.

Fuck. I slept most of the day away.

The only thing that kept my heart from slamming into my chest was the kid’s chuckling and giggling.

I sat up on the couch and looked down.

Someone had placed a blanket over me.

I rose, folded it, and set it on the side. Yawning, I headed outside.

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