Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 38

“None.” Yoshiro shrugged. “It’s been five years, and still no response.”

I scanned some of the books and went to the right.

Yoshiro followed and gestured to the back. “Lots of those boxes have clothes for women and even kids.”

Curious, I asked, “No men’s clothing?”

“There was, but I grabbed it.” He winked. “Her husband passed away before her. I found an old funeral program from twenty years ago.”

The kids chattered on the other side of the attic, probably finding several things to argue over in the boxes.

“Hey, guys.” I turned them.

They looked up.

“Take what you want, but make sure to clean up your mess and put everything back the way it was.”

They yelled back in unison, even Poppy chimed in. “Yes, mommy!”

I stood there in shock.

She spoke again in front of me.

“Jalen, there’s an old sled over by the window.” Yoshiro pointed to the left. “I don’t know, if it needs repairs.”

“I’m on it.” Jalen rose with determination covering his face. “That sled is mine.”

“You have to share it.” Kia wagged her finger.

Jalen chuckled. “Sure. I’ll share it for a small fee.”

I shook my head and rummaged through the box in front of me. Yoshiro had been right. There were tons of woman’s clothing in there. I had no idea if she was my size, but I could definitely fit the sweaters. I pulled out a white cardigan and held it in front of me.

Yoshiro nodded. “That would look good on you.”

I smirked. “Would it?”


Noise boomed behind us.

We both looked back.

Jalen and Kai lifted the sled and headed out of the attic.

I called after them. “Be careful!”

With two stuffed and tattered bears, Poppy followed.

The box of toys lay open. Dolls and balls scared around it.

I shook my head. “Hey, don’t forget to come back here and clean everything up.”

They left without a response.

“They’ll clean up.” Yoshiro nodded. “They’re good kids.”

“Hmmm.” I placed the cardigan to the side and pulled out a few pants. Maybe with some adjustments I could fit them. The woman had hips like me, but I definitely had more behind. It was always a struggle to find perfectly fitting bottoms.

Yoshiro studied my face. “The bruises have healed.”

I set the pants in my pile. “Have they?”

“Yes. You haven’t noticed?”

“I never look in the mirror after. . .one of Wyatt’s meetups. I always avoid my reflection.”


“Because the mirror never lies.” I pulled out another sweater and knew that would be a good fit. “The mirror isn’t like a person. It won’t say something nice to not hurt your feelings. It’s going to show you the entire, ugly truth of the situation.”

“I disagree, when your concerned.”

I set the sweater down in the keep it pile. “What do you mean?”

“Your face was beautiful, even with the bruises and swelling.”

“See.” I grinned. “People will say the nicest things.”

“It’s the truth.”

“It’s not. People don’t look beautiful with black eyes and swollen lips.”

“You did.” His mouth hitched into a half-smile. A smile that made my heart race. It had been doing that a lot around him. Yoshiro was definitely a handsome bastard. Gorgeous even. And it didn’t help that he was a considerate sweetheart, always trying to protect. Always seeking ways to take care of us.

My voice went low. “Thank you.”

“There’s no need to thank me. I’m telling the truth.”

I turned away and did my best to focus on the clothes in the box. Sweet and good-looking, he made my heart warm. I would have to be careful and ignore the reactions. I’d already fallen for a man with a heart-warming smile and now I was running for my life.

“Can I check?”

I looked back at him. “Check what?”

“The bruises and swelling. Their almost gone.” He extended his hands to my face but didn’t touch.

I widened my eyes and then froze.

The half-smile transformed into a full one. “Or I could back up and give you three feet.”

I laughed against my will. Sure enough my reaction to him touching me had been absurd. “I’m just not. . .”

“Used to anyone touching you anymore.”

“Yeah. At least, not in nice ways.”

“Trust me. When I touch you, it will be nice.”

I raised my eyebrows.

He shook his head. “Ebony, you know what I’m trying to say.”

“Do I?” I fell back into our comfort zone, enjoying that I could joke with him. “That came out. . .a little sexy.”

“Did it?”

“Yes. You must’ve been a smooth one in Chicago.”

“I had my moments. I’ve already showed you my rap skills.” He snapped his fingers. “Oh. . .baby baby. Oh. . .baby baby.”

“Okay. Okay. Let’s hold some of the rap skills back. I don’t want to melt in this attic from the sexiness.”

He laughed. “I believe you’re making fun of me.”

I batted my lashes. “Me? Never.”

He studied me. “Can I check your face? You never went to a doctor. I can at least make sure you’re fine.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024