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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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“And you won’t run?” He tipped his head. A lock of dark hair fell over his forehead.

For a second, I yearned to brush it away. “I won’t run, but. . .I’m so scared.”

“Then, we start training tomorrow. The storm is going away.”

I smiled. “You’re going to turn me into a fighting machine?”

“I’m going to teach you how to defend yourself more. You’ve already done a damn good job on your own.”

“I don’t think so.”

“I do. I just want to help. I want to be there to protect you.” He leaned in closer almost as if he was going to kiss me.

I froze.

A few silent seconds went by.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “Not yet.”

“Not yet?”

He let go of my hand and backed away. His tone went hoarse. “Not yet. I’m giving you time.”

Are we both talking about the same thing?

He gazed at my face, my lips, and then slowly moved over my body. Penetrating me with a sensual intensity. And still Yoshiro’s attention washed over me, emitting heat. Delivering sparks to my core. I knew my face flushed.

I knew something bridged between us. It charged. It damn near came close to exploding into light right there. It was electric, magnetically drawing me to him.

My pulse pounded in my ears as I looked away, telling myself that it was all in my mind.

Yoshiro unnerved me with his strength and intense stare. It was like he could see deep into my heart. Deep within my soul. And he kept stirring up feelings—and desires—inside me that scared and titillated me.

No. Stop it. I have other things to focus on. Wyatt’s out the hospital. And. . .I’m not going to run.

I let out a long breath and turned back to him. “Thank you.”

“No, Ebony, Thank you.” He walked off. “I like having all of you around. It’s brightened my days.”

He left me there. Speechless. Still able to inhale his exotic manly scent.

With that, he was gone, and I instantly missed his company. The security that came with him. The sweet, gentle kindness.


With both hands, I ran my fingers through my dreadlocks, trying to gather myself. Gain some form of control. With one touch and declaration of protection, he had disheveled my insides. He stimulated things within my body that had been forgotten—my heart, my soul. . .my desire.

I thought about what we’d said. How much was this meant to be? The kids and I crashing onto his property? Us meeting? Had the giant man in the sky shifted our orbits so that we would meet in this exact moment?

Chapter 11

Breakfast at Ebony’s


The next day, I dialed Kevin to check on Wyatt’s location. “Anything coming up?”

“He’s been active, but hasn’t left Portland,” Kevin said. “Good morning, by the way and yes, I’m fine over here.”

I rolled my eyes. “What has Wyatt done?”

“Yesterday, he ubered to a location in Portland. The next charge was one of those emergency tire repair places. An hour after that, I got a hit on his card at a gas station minutes later.”

“He must’ve taken the ambulance form the apartment where he got stabbed.”

“Yeah. About that,” Kevin said. “Who stabbed and shot Wyatt?”

“Not important. Any more purchases?”

“He grabbed some fast food that evening. This morning, he purchased an XXX movie on the hotel’s tv. That’s it. The streets in Portland will be ploughed tomorrow. I can guarantee it. The highways too. There should be more activity then.”

“What about his military background and the civilian defense agency that he works for?”

“I’m nervous about that angle. Hacking into credit card accounts and a phone is no problem. Getting into government and military systems. . .that could raise flags and get me caught.”

I nodded. “You’re right. See what you can find, but don’t go too far where it puts you in danger.”

“That’s the plan.”

“Either way, continue to watch his movements, please.”

“I will, but tomorrow night Titty Palace opens back up. The girls are itching to make some cash. Everyone’s low.”

“Are you sure people will even show up? The snow is still blocking many of the roads around here.”

“That’s because you’re on the outskirts of town. Everyone downtown is moving about. And in the end, when it comes to titties, men will trudge through anything to get to them.”

I smirked. “I can understand that.”

“Can you?”

“What does that mean?”

“You barely look at them, when you’re there.”

But I had been taken glances of Ebony’s breasts concealed in those soft sweaters. I ran my fingers through my hair. “Let me know, if you get anything else.”

“No problem.”

“And be safe, Kevin. I’m glad you’re doing okay.”

“Aww. Yoshiro, you love me.”

I groaned.

We ended the call.

Worry agitated my nerves. With Kevin returning back to work, there’d be less monitoring of Wyatt. I’d promised Ebony that I would keep her protected. I had to make sure he didn’t get near the kids and her. There could be no reason for them to run away.

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