Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 44

“I’ve got the first three books, if you want them. I’ve already read them.”

Kia shook her head. “You put those books in your emergency backpack, but somehow forgot underwear?”

“Don’t judge me. The books were more important.” Jalen turned back to me. “If you want to read book one, I can give it to you later.”

“I’m down. I would love to check it out.”

“You’re in for an adventure.” Bits of egg flew from his lips as he began talking fast with excitement. “Striker goes all over the world to kill these people.”

“Hold up.” Ebony widened her eyes. “You didn’t tell me the hero was an assassin you said he was a teacher.”

Jalen frowned. “But. . .well—”

“Jalen, you know I don’t do lying.”

“Mommy, it’s still reading. You want us to read more instead of play with our phones. That’s what I’m doing.”

The conversation shifted to Ebony lecturing him about lying and reading appropriate content. Jalen kept his argument going. In the end, he won, promising to never lie again and to hand Ebony his phone for a week due to the lie.

When we all finished, I spoke first, “I’ve got the dishes.”

Poppy laughed.

Kia shook her head. “Mommy would kill us.”

“I wouldn’t kill you.” Ebony sipped her juice. “It would just be slow torture.”

I shook my head. “I can get the dishes.”

“We’re supposed to clean up after breakfast.” Jalen rolled his eyes. “The boss lady’s orders. She’s trying to make us responsible adults.”

I admitted, “It will definitely do that.”

Jalen marked his page and closed the book. “Maybe for Kia and Poppy, but I’m going to have a maid.”

“Nope,” Kia muttered from the kitchen, “You’re going to be a maid.”

“Let’s just focus on the dishes, guys.” Ebony rose to take her plate over to the sink.

“No, mommy.” Jalen stopped her and grabbed the plate. “I’ve got it because you’re the best mother in the world.”

Skepticism covered Ebony’s face. “Oh really?”

“The best.”

“You still lost your phone for the week.”

Jalen frowned and headed away.

I loved their banter. I relished in the company. This was what Seymore had taken from me—a family to enjoy.

Now with an inkling of it back, no one would take it from me a second time.

If you’re smart Wyatt, you’ll give up and go back to LA. If not, then you better enjoy this Christmas. Because you’ll never see another one.

Chapter 12

Off with His Head


Later in the day, Yoshiro and I checked out the back house that I would soon be renting.

I still hadn’t told the kids. A lot was going on. I was just happy that they could laugh and enjoy themselves. And this idea was still growing in my mind. I was still getting used to it. A tiny part of me was a little unsure. I didn’t know Yoshiro that much. However, we’d only been here a week and I had to admit it was the best days of the past three years.

When Yoshiro said he would do everything to protect us, I believed him—deep down in my soul. There was no doubt that he was that type of man.

But would he be this nice all of the time? Could I trust him?

My mother always told me that sometimes we had to step out on faith, not knowing where we was going or how, just trusting that God would get us there.

But I was now questioning everything when it came to Mom.

While Yoshiro and I walked up the hill, I pulled out my phone and turned it on. There were more missed calls from her and two from an unknown number. I was sure that the latter must’ve been from Wyatt.

I checked the few text messages.

Mom: Where are you? I haven’t heard from you all in a while? Are you okay?

I deleted her text and looked at the other one.

Mom: Please, call me and let me know where you’re at. I’m worried.

I shut the phone off and placed it in my jacket.

Yoshiro asked on my side. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I looked at him. “Did you ever get that number from your friend? The number that Wyatt was calling.”

“Yes.” He dug into his coat, took out his phone, swiped it a little, and showed me the screen. “This is the number.”

Hate brewed in me. “That’s definitely my mom. She really was the one giving him our locations. I didn’t want to believe it.”

“He’s hoping you’ve got in touch with her by now and given it.”

“I won’t.”

“Well, we could use this for our advantage.”

“What do you mean?”

“You could give her the wrong places. Have him running around. You can decide where he is and how far he will be from you.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“My only worry is that Wyatt may do something to your mother, if she keeps unintentionally giving him the wrong address.”

My stomach twisted.

“We should wait until we have a plan.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024