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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

Page 49

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Her gaze strayed to the dragon tattoo on my bicep and then returned to my face. “Oh. . .I don’t need to. . .come in. I just figured you were up and—”

“I’m up.” I smiled, loving her attention on me, even though she was clearly uncomfortable with giving it to me.

“I had your breakfast in the fridge and now your lunch. . .” Those eyes fell to my six pack. I was glad I’d taken the time to stay in shape all these years. She cleared her throat. “I can give it to you.”

My mind went dirty. “Give me what?”

She blinked. “Your breakfast or lunch.”

“Oh.” I shook my head. “That’s right. Because you were talking about food.”

She widened her eyes. “What did you think I was talking about?”

I ran my fingers through my hair. “It’s not important.”

She gave me a nervous smile. “O-kay. I’m going to. . .finish what I was doing. I just didn’t see you earlier. I was worried.”

I grinned. “You were worried?”

“I was.” She blushed. “Like you said, we’re family.”

“But not blood-related.”

“Well, of course not.”

“I just think we should make that clear.”


You’re not ready for that answer, Ebony.

I stepped back. “You’ve never been in here. You should check it out.”

“Alrighty.” Shaking her head, she widened her smile and entered. “I like the paintings in here.”

The walls were covered in dragons. Different shapes, colors, and sizes.

“You love dragons?”

“I do.”


“Because my father did, and that was the only thing we agreed on.”

She walked over to the small table by the window where I’d woken up at. “I like that you’re a neat freak.”

“I’m not a neat freak.”

“It’s a compliment.”

“Hmmm.” I closed the door. Once it shut, I completely regretted it. She spun around, tensed, and edged back.

I opened it back up. “Sorry. That’s a habit.”

“When a woman comes in your room?”


“I’m saying you usually close the door, when a woman comes in your room?”

I laughed. “No. I usually close the door, when I come into the room. No woman has been in here. In fact, you’re the first woman to walk in my bedroom.”

“No way.” She shook her head, but at least she’d returned back to being relaxed. “You’ve been here for five years right?”

“Yeah. I haven’t dated or anything. I don’t have a lover. I haven’t had sex in five years.” I leaned my head to the side. “Was that too much information?”

“Uh. . .no.” Still, she stirred, and I swear she might’ve licked her lips. Quick. Unintentional. But there’d been a movement with her tongue. And then she cleared her throat. “Um. . .well. . .You were mourning.”

“I was.”

“Will you date one day?”

I swallowed and stared into her eyes. “That’s up to you. . .one day.”

She opened her mouth and looked away.

“But we have time.”

She moved away from the window as if trying to figure out the fastest path out of the room. But I still stood by the door, not blocking it, just close to the side.

“I’m sorry, Ebony. Was that too forward?”

“I’m not. . .”

“Interested in me?”

“Interested in dating.”

“Especially dating a man?” I nodded. “Especially after all the shit you’ve gone through.”

Her voice went weak. “Yes.”

“You. . .” I stuffed my hand into my pocket. Within the pajama’s pocket, I didn’t take out the bullet, but I twisted it between my fingertips. “You don’t ever have to be ready to date me. That’s not what. . .” I sighed. “That’s not what our friendship is about. It’s not why I want you to stay in the house over there. My protection comes because of what lives inside of you.”

That skeptical expression returned. “What lives inside of me?”

“Strength. The ability to overcome obstacles. The fire. The magic that makes you push and battle against the impossible. That energy that you’ve somehow harnessed and passed on to the kids.”

Silence filled the room.

Her eyes watered, but no tears came.

The kids laughter sounded outside and mingled with the dogs’ barking. Whatever they were doing, it was a grand old time.

She whispered, “That was beautiful, Yoshiro. You always make me feel stronger than what I think I am.”

“And you make me feel. . .special. Alive. Hopeful. . .You make me feel like I’m part of something. A family. A. . .movement.”

“A movement?” She shook her head. “You’re definitely a sweet talker.”

“These are all the things on my mind. I swear.” I took a step forward, but nowhere close to her. “I know you’re not ready for any man right now.”

“Thank you for understanding.” She blinked. “And it’s not that you’re. . .not pleasant to look at. You’re so sweet and. . .whatever. . .you’re gorgeous. . .and you have muscles and all. . .”

I beamed. “Feel free to go ahead. We have time for you to list my awesome qualities.”

She laughed. “I just need time.”

“I know you do. That’s why I’ve tried to. . .keep myself under control.”

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