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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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“It has to be this one,” Kia argued. “Who else would have a house here.”

“This is big.”

I shook my head, sat up, and rose from the floor. “Here comes my minions.”

Yoshiro stood too.

The kids barreled into the house next, taking the space in and looking around.

“Kia, said we were going to live here.” Jalen scanned the place. “Is that true?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

Kia crossed her arms around her chest and turned to Yoshiro. “How many exits are there?”

Yoshiro grinned. “Three. Front door. Basement door. And there’s a back door past the den.”

Jalen went to the window and looked out. “What’s around the house? Neighbors? More woods? All I see is woods, but is there a road that can—”

“Guys.” I held my hands up. “Relax.”

“It’s okay.” Yoshiro took the kids outside. “It’s all woods but come and check it out for yourselves. There’s a large gate maybe fifty feet past this. It’s a border for the neighbor’s property. He has cows, bulls, and hogs. Trust me, when I tell you. . .no one wants to get caught trespassing on that property. No one’s sneaking on there at night without getting trampled by the bulls or bitten by all his farm dogs guarding the area. And then there’s his hogs.”

Jalen widened his eyes. “Hogs are dangerous?”

“These are.”

The dogs trotted in with Poppy.

I shifted my mind off Yoshiro and all the touching from his training and returned to Mommy mode. But in the back of my mind, I wondered about what would come next with us. For me, things were moving fast. . .but I felt safe and protected. That had to mean something. That had to allow me. . .a few moments of. . .some form of pleasure.

Chapter 15

A Man on a Mission


Hours later, Kia and Poppy watched a movie. Jalen read his book. Ebony disappeared to write.

I checked my watch.

Three hours until Wyatt heads off to the theater with Selena.

Dinner had been fine. It was the first time we all sat down to have big meal in the evening. I was addicted to the kids and Ebony. The idea of them going into the other house was something that I would now have to get used to. The kids and Ebony being in my house had become an enjoyable experience.

Thinking of them gave me the motivation to head over to Wyatt. It was more than curiosity. Now killing him had shifted into survival. If he was gone, then they would be safe. . .and mine.

I headed upstairs, went to my room, and changed. When I came out, I wore all black—pants, sweater, and boots. Earlier that day, I’d put a bag in my truck full all the necessary tools—leather gloves, pick locks, guns, facemask, flashlight, and knives.

Checking my watch again, I went to Ebony’s bedroom. I was about to knock until I realized the door was open.

She had her back to me as she typed on the old computer I’d given her.

Is she writing more about us?

She wasn’t aware that I’d entered. So deep in concentration, she mumbled to herself and typed some more. Those fingers danced over the keys. Those long dreadlocks swung with the movements.

Damn, she’s beautiful.

Minutes passed as I watched her, unable to help myself. It would’ve been better if there was a mirror in front of her and I could catch the reflection of her lovely face. For these past weeks, I’d been jacking off to various scenarios that starred Ebony and I fucking in a variety of ways.

One day, it’ll be real.

When she looked up, she shrieked, “Oh shit.”

“Sorry.” I remained where I was, knowing that I’d startled her. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”

“I was just. . .”

“Writing that sex scene?”

She blushed. “No. But I was writing about the training.”

“Hmmm.” I walked over. “Can I read it?”

“Absolutely not.” She put her hands in front of the screen.

“Why not?”

“Because. . .it’s private.”

“You’re going to publish it, and the story will be available to people all over the world.”

“Still. . .”

“I’m going to buy the book, when it comes out.”

“You don’t know my penname.”

“You’ll tell me by then.”

“I won’t.” She rose from the desk and placed her hands on her hips. “What are you up to?”

Four feet lay between us. I moved in closer, leaving only a foot of space, trying to get her used to me being near. “Tell me more about what you wrote on the training.”

“I wrote about everything you taught me. I thought you had some good stuff to put in the story. Maybe, others could learn from it.”

“That’s it?”


I winked.

She stirred uncomfortably. “What else would there be?”

“The hot and heavy breathing during the training.”

She blushed again. “There was no hot and heavy breathing.”

“Perhaps, that was just me.”


I decided to leave it alone for now. There would be time to push the matter further. Even if she admitted the truth, that she got hot from the grappling—the closeness—she wouldn’t let me do more.

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