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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

Page 69

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I sat down in the chair.

“I don’t know what’s next with the agency.”

“You’re hurt.” I got ready to rise. “Do you want me to get ice or—”

“No. I’ll do it later.” He stretched his arm and flinched. “I don’t think this was the agency that went after Kevin.”

“Why not?”

“If the agency had Wyatt’s back, he wouldn’t have fled.”

I nodded. “He did have two friends with the agency. One was named Lee. I don’t remember the other.”

“Doesn’t matter. He’s dead. But Lee was the one he saved.” Yoshiro raised his brows. “Do you think Wyatt has still been working with the agency in these past three years?”

I shook my head. “I’m not sure, but I often wondered how he could dedicate his time to search for me. I kept hoping he would be deployed or something. Still, I can’t tell you for sure, if he is with them or not.”

“When I broke into Selena’s place, there was a pile of boxes labeled Top Secret and when I checked some of the folders, his name wasn’t on it. Did he have those boxes when you were with him?”

“No way. There would be no reason for him to have Top Secret boxes in our house. You can’t take them from the building.” I ran my fingers through my dreadlocks. “Wyatt’s always been that type of guy. I don’t know why he got the dishonorable discharge, but he could never follow the rules.”

Kevin spoke, “So, his agency is probably against him. Possibly looking for him too.”

“But he has two buddies that’s still on the inside. Maybe they tell him that someone tried to hack into his information.” Yoshiro dropped his arm and leaned back in his chair. “They probably came to Kevin’s place to help Wyatt, but it was unofficial.”

“Let’s hope.” My heart hammered in my chest. “That agency is the last group I want looking for any of us.”

Yoshiro stretched his neck. “We’ll know more by this evening.”

“What’s happening this evening?” I asked.

Kevin rubbed his forehead. “Yoshiro is going to be at the strip club where I work.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Excuse me?”

Kevin laughed. “I don’t dance. It’s not a male strip club. I’m the bouncer.”

Yoshiro rolled his eyes. “If Wyatt is working on his own, then he’ll be at the club this evening. It’s his first lead to where you could be and who took his guns.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I don’t want you going there. What if Wyatt is not on his own?”

“Then, I’m out of there. They don’t know anything about me.”

“At least that’s what we think.”

“No, Ebony. If they knew about me, they would be here. Period. If Wyatt took those Top Secret boxes, then that’s their focus. We’re small time next to that.”

I stood. “I’m coming with you.”

“We’ve been over this. Who’s going to watch the kids? Besides, if he sees you, then any advantage I had is gone.”

“I can’t let you go and—”

Kevin’s laughing stopped me.

I looked at him.

“Sorry.” Kevin waved me away. “It’s just that you’re wasting your time trying to stop Yo-yo from doing anything, especially when it comes to killing someone.”


Sighing, Yoshiro rose. “Ebony, let’s talk upstairs. We should let Kevin rest.”

Kevin held his hands out. “Hey, I’m fine. I would love to witness this.”

We left and walked back into the living room. The kids busied themselves with washing the dishes. I followed Yoshiro up the stairs. We hit his room.

I entered.

He shut the door.

I turned his way and got ready to speak.

He took me in his arms and kissed me, taking away all my words.

Lust blazed through me. Forgetting my fear, I grabbed his head with my hands and ran my fingers through his hair.

He’d been in a shootout for me. He’d taken on my crusade, just so the kids and I could be safe. How could he not have my heart and every bit of my soul?

A low growl left his throat. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

He leaned away barely half an inch and brushed his lips across mine. “Stop worrying about me.”

“Says the man that is on a mission to battle my monster?”

He nipped at my lip. “That’s different.”

I tried to step back. “How is that different?”

He pulled me in more. “I can’t think of a reason now. Give me a day or two.”


He captured my mouth again, consuming me. Passion ignited my every cell. My core tingled and sparked to life, even more than last night. There was no denying that I wanted him. Sex rippled off him.

I leaned away, gasping.

His eyelids hung heavy with desire. “Do you want me to stop?”

“I. . .I want you to promise to not go tonight.”

“I won’t promise. I’m going. I won’t stop, until he’s gone.”

“Then, let me go.”

“No.” He licked his lips.

“You can’t keep going after him—”

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