Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 71

He licked his lips. “This was a good discussion.”

“I didn’t convince you to stop.”

“You didn’t. If anything, I’m more motivated.”

I frowned. “Then, let’s talk about—”

“No. We don’t have time.” He let me go. “I have to shower and get downstairs before my lasagna is gone.”

“What about tonight?”

A wicked smile came on his face. He unsnapped the button on his pants. “Let’s talk about it in the shower.”

I widened my eyes. “Do not take your pants off right now.”

“I have to keep my pants on in the shower?”

I backed away. “We’re not talking in the shower.”

“Okay.” He nodded and headed off to the bathroom. “Then, we’ll talk about it later.”

I let out a long breath.

“Sorry.” Kevin had waved me away. “It’s just that you’re wasting your time trying to stop Yo-yo from doing anything, especially when it comes to killing someone.”

I shook my head and walked away. “I guess we will. . .Yo-yo.”

An annoying groan came from the bathroom. “I hate that nickname.”

“Good to know.” I left his room, went out into the hallway, closed the door, and leaned against it.

From the moment he stepped in the house to our kissing in his bedroom, so much had happened. I tried to get my head around all of it, and still couldn’t make sense of it.

I can’t let him go to that strip club and bump into Wyatt tonight. How can I stop him?

No solution came.

Minutes passed.

I gave up and went downstairs, hoping to figure out a way to keep Yoshiro safe as he tried his best to protect us.

Chapter 20

Love is like a Flower


Kevin hadn’t packed clothes in his book bag. He’d brought his gaming system. After Kevin chowed down on Ebony’s lasagna with me, he set up the system in the living room.

Jalen, Kevin, and I played Beast Wars for hours. Kevin whipped our asses most of the time. A few games Jalen had the upper hand, while I couldn’t figure out the commands or the point of the whole thing.

I set the controller down. “We’re just beating each other up the whole time?”

“Yeah.” Kevin grinned. “It’s awesome.”

Jalen laughed. “Totally.”

“What about missions and prizes?”

They laughed at me.

I gave up with the game junkies and went to the kitchen. Ebony had been in there making dinner the entire time. I inhaled the air. “What are you roasting?”

She frowned at me and mixed something in a bowl.

Enjoying her scent, I whispered near her ear, “You’re still mad at me?”

“I’m not mad. I just want you to stay home tonight.”

I’d been thinking about it the whole time. I hated seeing the worried expression on Ebony’s face. I didn’t relish in making her stressed, especially when it concerned me.

I nodded. “How about we come to a compromise?”

She paused from stirring the mixture. “What’s the compromise?”

“I’ll call the club and give the owner Wyatt’s details. If he doesn’t show up, I won’t go.”

She bit her bottom lip.


“But if he comes, then you’ll go?”


“I don’t want you to go, if he is there.”

“There would be no other point to go.” I lowered my voice. “The only breasts I want to see is right here.”

“How can I get you to give up on this for now?”

“You can’t.”

“It’s getting even more dangerous than I could’ve imagined.”

“That’s how killing works. It’s not a cute situation of hugs and hi-fives.”

She was lucky that Jalen sat several feet away. I loved kissing her and was happy that she was getting used to it.

Kia rushed inside with Poppy and the dogs. “Oh, Mommy. That smells so good.”

“I’m making pot roast.” Ebony called over her shoulder.

I frowned. “I wish I could’ve gotten that answer.”

Kia sat down by the table, took out her notebook, and wrote in it. “Yoshiro, can I ask you a private question?”

Ebony raised her eyebrows. “No, you cannot.”

Kia widened her eyes.

I shrugged. “I think it would be fine.”

Kia glanced at Ebony. “Please, Mommy. I’m trying to write a poem. It’s two point of views. One side from a female. The other from a male.”

“If Yoshiro doesn’t mind, then go ahead.” Ebony placed the bowl down and headed to the pantry. “But, keep the questions respectful.”

“Always. I am Miss Respectful.” Kia picked up her pen and turned my way. “Yoshiro. . .do you have a girlfriend?”

Stunned, I mumbled, “No.”

“Why not?”

Kevin paused from the game and laughed.

“Mind your business, Kevin.” I walked over to the table and sat across from Kia. “It’s a long story. The short part is that I lost someone that was very important to me a long time ago.”

Kia frowned. “Would you consider love again?”

“Of course.”

“What is love to you?”

I ran my fingers through my hair. Footsteps sounded behind me. I glanced over my shoulder. Ebony carried a huge pan into the kitchen and set it on the counter. My heart warmed from her image. I loved her in my kitchen, touching everything. I wished that this could be a continuous situation. While I was glad they would live in the house in the back, it would’ve been better if they remained in mine.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024