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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

Page 83

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I kept the shotgun pointed at Wyatt as he groaned like a bitch on the pavement. “I told you that I’m not going to let you deal with my stuff.”

A smile spread on Yoshiro’s face.


“You look really sexy right now.”

“It only took me trying to run my ex over with a tow truck and holding a shotgun?”

“No, Ebony. I get hard from just shaking your hand.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. Right. What’s next?”

Yoshiro leaned his head to the side. “Oh, you don’t have a plan?”

“Well. . .” I frowned. “No.”

On the ground, Wyatt moaned in pain as he rose to all fours.

Yoshiro laughed, headed over to Wyatt, and kicked him in the head. Wyatt crashed back to the ground. Yoshiro pulled duct tape out of his trench coat’s pocket and glanced over his shoulder. “Get in the passenger seat. I’m driving.”

I headed that way. “Where is Wyatt going to be?”

“Between us.” Yoshiro pulled Wyatt’s arms behind his back and duct taped his wrists.

“Okay.” Trembling, I kept the gun pointed and hurried over to the other side of the tow truck.

Kevin jogged our way. “What the fuck? Police are on their way.”

Yoshiro duct taped Wyatt’s ankles together. “Help me get him into the truck.”

“Shit!” Kevin moved towards his head. Bending over, he grabbed him by the shoulders and lifted. “Heavy basterd.”

Yoshiro grabbed Wyatt by his legs. “When the police come just tell them that some guys got into a dispute and fled. The girls aren’t going to talk, and neither will Harold.”

They carried Wyatt’s body to the driver’s side. Yoshiro shoved Wyatt’s in and slid him over to me. I helped to yank his heavy body closer to my side and sat him up. My arms burned with the movement. Wyatt’s body could barely stay in a sitting position. It leaned on me. I pushed him off. His head slumped forward.

Even though Wyatt was knocked out, I kept the tip of the shotgun right on his side, ready to pull the trigger if he woke up and tried anything.

“Well, speaking of Harold.” Kevin wiped sweat off his forehead. “He wants something for tonight’s craziness.”

“Tell Harold that I’ll give him ten guns for free. He can sell them.” Yoshiro dug in his pockets and tossed his keys to Kevin.

Kevin caught the keys. “That’ll do it.”

“After everything is done, bring the truck to my house.” Yoshiro climbed into the tow truck.

“See you soon.” Kevin ran toward the club.

Yoshiro slammed the door, drove off, and pulled out of the parking lot.

Red and blue lights flashed in front of us. My heart boomed in my chest. Three cop cars sped by us.

“It’s probably good you came in the tow truck.” Yoshiro let out a long breath. “Cops won’t be looking at us, as part of the problem.”

I turned my attention to Wyatt. “What are we going to do with him?”

“Kill him.”

I swallowed down my fear. “Okay. Where are we going to. . .”

“Put his body?” Yoshiro turned at a corner and kept a reasonable speed. “Sam has ten hogs on the other side of the property. We’re going to feed Wyatt to them. Sam keeps them hungry. Hogs and pigs are omnivorous. Their known to feast on people. They’ll eat everything up.”

“Earlier, you said Sam used his hogs for unsavory purposes. That’s what you meant?”

“Yeah. He usually wants a thousand per body. Once it’s done, he looks the other way and goes about his business.” Yoshiro sped by Mabel’s gas station. “How did you get Donald’s tow truck?”

“I asked to take it in town to get some groceries.”

“At ten at night?”

“I also had my shotgun, but I wasn’t pointing it at him. Additionally, I offered him an extra $500 and some pie.”

Yoshiro smirked. “I bet it was the pie.”

“He’s still working on my SUV anyway. He shrugged and handed me the keys.”

Yoshiro shook his head. “It could’ve been dangerous for you, Ebony. You had no idea what you would be stepping into.”

“It could’ve been dangerous for me? You were chasing Wyatt with a gun outside of the club.”

“I had it under control.”

“You didn’t. You needed my help. And besides, if anybody knows what Wyatt is capable of, it’s me.”


“You don’t get to be upset that I put myself in a dangerous situation, when you did it to. . .several times. I wasn’t going to let you get hurt over me.”

Yoshiro frowned. “It would’ve been worth it.”

“I don’t think so.”

“I do.”

His response quieted anything else I could have said on the matter.

Yoshiro made a right when we got to the fork in the road. “I’m glad you showed up.”

“Me too.”

Yoshiro slowed his speed as he got on the dark road leading to his house. “Who’s watching the kids?”

“Salt and Pepa.”

“Do they know what’s going on?”

“No. They’re eating popcorn and looking at one of Jalen’s scary movies.”

“We’ll have to sneak the truck to the back house and unload Wyatt there. Then, we’ll kill and cut him in the basement.” Yoshiro looked at me. “Are you ready to do that?”

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