Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 92

Her silky dreadlocks swung and fell around my shoulders. Ebony whimpered and bucked wildly.

Together, we orgasmed, groaning in unison.

Chapter 27

The Morning After


Afterwards, I sneaked into the main house, feeling like a harlot. I wore Yoshiro’s old clothes from the back house. His jogging pants hung low on me. I had to roll them four times around my waist.

When we got inside, I headed for the stairs. Yoshiro grabbed and brought me to him. I gasped. He kissed me, and I melted in his arms.

When he leaned away, he whispered, “Goodnight, Ebony.”

“Goodnight, Yo-yo.”

He smiled. “I’m going to allow that.”

“I know you will.” I sashayed away, twisting my hips and feeling like I was on top of the world. We’d defeated the monster. Regardless of what nightmares and insanity could come, my kids would never have to live in terror anymore. And even better, Yoshiro had brought my body alive later, giving me an unforgettable memory to erase tonight’s earlier events.

Yoshiro called back, “Do you need me to tuck you in bed?”

I almost stumbled on the steps. “No. I’ll be fine.”

“What about a bedtime story?”

“I’m good, Mr. Yo-yo. I’ve been well taken care of for the evening.”

I made it upstairs, even though my body sizzled with excitement. Salt stood guard in front of Jalen’s door. Pepa lay next to Kia and Poppy’s bedrooms. When I went to the girls’ door to check on them, Pepa rose and growled.

I raised my hands. “Alright now. I’m their mother. You better simmer down.”

Pepa held her stance but whimpered.

Yoshiro came up and whistled.

Salt and Pepa rushed away and followed him into his bedroom.

With the guard dogs gone, I took the opportunity to check on the girls. I opened the door and peeked inside. Both were sprawled over the bed. Poppy lay sideways with her foot in Kia’s side.

Smiling, I tiptoed in, adjusted them to better positions, kissed their foreheads, and headed away.

Am I going to tell them that Wyatt is gone? I have to. I just need to figure out a good story.

Jalen’s bedroom was next. His book was wide open next to his pillow. He’d clearly fell asleep reading. I folded down the corner of the page, closed the book, and put it on the nightstand. And then I gave him a big kiss on his cheek and placed the blanket over him.

We’re going to be okay, guys.

Exhausted, I headed to bed.

It wasn’t until I lay down under the covers and closed my eyes that I saw Wyatt’s headless body on the ground.

Shivering, I opened my eyes.

I really did it. I pulled the trigger.

My stomach twisted.

Stop thinking about it. Don’t. It’s over. Even if you have regrets, there’s nothing you can do now. And anyway. . .I don’t have regrets.

It still took another hour for me to fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, visions of tonight played in my head—the blood, the chain sawing dead flesh, and even the hogs. I imagined them munching on Wyatt’s body.

My stomach flip flopped.

I jumped out of bed, ran to the bathroom, and threw up again.

Once I cleaned up and changed, I passed out.

Morning came fast. Thankfully, no nightmares terrorized me. It was all blank. I didn’t dream at all. I took that as a good sign.

When I left bed, I got on my knees and prayed.

God, I don’t know if you’re mad with me or not. Clearly, you don’t want us to go around killing people to suit our wishes. I swear to you I will do my best to not do it again. I just. . .I didn’t know any other way. And you brought us here. I believe that. Surely. . .maybe. . .you wanted me to do it.

I talked to God some more. Tears spilled from my eyes. I lowered myself more to him, placing my forehead on the floor and begging for his protection and forgiveness. My heart warmed. No fear came. What was crazy was that relief filled me. I didn’t know if it was God or just my own feelings, but warmth and love saturated every cell.

And for several minutes, I stayed on the floor and moved within that peace.

Someone knocked on the door.

I rose. “Yes?”

The door opened. Jalen dipped his head in. “Mommy, we’re surprising you. We made breakfast.”

“Oh my. What did you all make?”

“Your favorite. Banana pancakes and bacon.”

Disgust hit me. “Well. . .thanks so much. I’m. . .watching my health right now, so the bacon. . .is going to be a no.”

“Cool. More bacon for me.”

Jalen and I headed down.

The kids had made the table.

Jalen pulled out my chair. “For you, madam.”

I smiled. “Thank you, kind sir.”

Kia brought over a large tray stacked with pancakes. “Did you get Yoshiro too?”

“Yes. He said no to the bacon just like Mommy.”

Poppy beamed. “All mine.”

“I get Mommy’s bacon.” Jalen shook his head. “Yoshiro will be down after his shower. He told us to eat without him.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024