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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

Page 98

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“Oh, Fuck, Ebony.” My thrusts grew faster. Deeper. “Damn it.”

She squeezed her pussy even more, moaning with me.

And my eyes rolled back into my head a little. I lost vision as my body trembled.

We both fell back onto the bed.

“Damn, Ebony.” I slipped out of her pussy and wrapped my arms around that beautiful body. “You’ve been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Breathless, she whispered, “I agree.”

And then we fell asleep in each other’s hold.

We slept in my bed for the rest of the night and well beyond dawn.

Yawning, I woke first.

The dogs barking had opened my eyes.

I blinked and realized that the kids had Salt and Pepa outside.

Fuck. Ebony spent the night. So much for incognito.

I eased my arm out from under her and checked my watch.

Almost eight. That might not be too bad.

Ebony lay asleep beside him. She was on her front and had thrown the sheet off the bed during the night.

I chuckled to myself.

Her back was bare, all the way down to her waist. I could see the swell of her breast under her. Her dreadlocks spilled over her shoulders. One knee was pulled up and rested on my thigh.

You’re a wild sleeper, Mrs. Ebony.

I kissed her neck.

She stirred.

“Ebony,” I whispered and kissed her cheek. “It’s morning.”

“Okay.” She rolled over.

I laughed, until I spotted that fat ass. My cock lay heavy on my thigh. Now it slowly came to life from that perfect vision.

No. Calm down.

I nudged her. “Ebony. It’s morning, baby.”

She yawned. “Okay.”

I nudged her again.

She turned my way and slowly opened her eyes. “I heard you. It’s morning.”

“Oh. So, you don’t mind?”

She blinked and glanced at the window. “Shit. It’s morning.”


She hurried and rose. “Why didn’t you tell me that?”

I laughed.

The dogs barked louder outside.

“They’re up?” She tiptoed over to the window. “Jesus Christ. They’re already dressed and starting the day. They’re like robots.”

I tried to listen to her words, but she was naked and all I could do was drool.

She rushed over to her clothes and quickly put them on. “I can’t believe I fell asleep afterwards.”

“You’re welcome.”

She giggled. “Really, Yoshiro?”

“Well, my cock says, ‘You’re welcome.’”

“Fine. You did fuck me to sleep.”

“You did it to me too, so we’re even.”

She slipped her shirt on without putting on her bra. It still lay on the floor.

I grinned.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You look like a teenaged girl trying to get home before her parents wake up.”

She sighed and slowed her dressing down. “You’re right. I’m a grown woman. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I don’t have to hide anything.”

“You don’t.”

A knock came.

Shock hit Ebony’s face.

I cleared my throat. “Yes?”

“Is my mommy up yet?” Kia asked. “I wanted to make breakfast, but Jalen hid the waffle iron because he wants me to make French toast.”

I held in my laughter.

Ebony shook her head. “I’m up.”

“Mommy, Jalen is being ridiculous.”

“I’ll be down there in a minute.”

“Good, because I’m close to killing him. He’s outside now with Poppy. I should lock him out.”

“Just go downstairs, Kia. I’ll be there shortly.”


Ebony stared at the door and then looked at me.

I shrugged. “They’re smart kids.”

“You think they heard us last night? I was loud.”

“I think that a person would have to be blind to not see what’s going on between us.” I rose from the bed. “Stop worrying.”

When I got to her, I pulled her into my arms. “You’re an amazing mother. You won’t do everything by the book. You won’t do it all perfectly right, but those kids are safe, fed, clothed, and happy. I don’t know much about parenting, but isn’t that the main goals?”


I kissed her. “Then, you’re staying in my bedroom.”

“Wait.” She left my arms. “That’s a discussion.”

“Is it?”

“It is.” She yawned. “We should move slowly. . .who am I kidding? Nothing about us is traditional in anyway.”

“Then, let’s stop trying and enjoy each day.” I grabbed her waist.

She wrapped her arms over my shoulder. “Maybe, you’re right.”

“I’m definitely right.”

She leaned her head to the side. “Why don’t you like the nickname Yo-yo?”

I rolled my eyes. “Long story. However, I like it when you scream that, when I’m fucking you.”

“That’s the exception?”

“It is.”

She left me. “Okay. I’m going to referee the crew downstairs.”

“Give me five minutes. I’ll be right behind you.”

When Ebony left, I went to my jeans and put them on. Something made me pause for a second. The extreme feeling of warmth poured over me. Kia and Jalen’s voice rose as they argued downstairs. Poppy’s giggling sounded outside among barking.

I ran my fingers through my hair. “This. . .”

My heart ached.

“This is my family.”

As long as I took it day by day, this family could be mine. All I wanted to do was love and take care of them. They’d brought joy to my life. Fun-filled noise shifted the cold darkness that had moved through my house.

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