Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 100

I was realized that it would take time for the kids to process this and get through it all themselves. In the end, they did lose their father, no matter how much of a monster he’d been.

When the kids headed up for their showers and bedtime, Yoshiro and Kevin returned.

It was hard to keep the anger off my face.

“Don’t be mad.” Yoshiro walked over and kissed my cheek. “We’re fine.”

“What did you do?”

Yoshiro scanned the dining area. “Everything looks amazing. Where did you get the table decorations?”

I placed my hands on my hips.

Kevin yawned. “I’m heading to bed. I’ll make my superior pies tomorrow. I hope you’re ready to get your mind blown, Ebony.”

“Goodnight, Kevin.” I went back to Yoshiro and took in his garb. He wore all black with that superhero trench coat. His leather gloves dangled outside of one pocket. I was sure a gun or two was on him too. “What did you do?”

“Are the kids asleep?”

“Yes. I just checked on them. They’re all out.”

“Too bad. I wanted to say goodnight.” Yoshiro pulled out two guns from under his trench, set them on the table, and pulled off his trench. “I went back to Selena’s house.”

“You broke in?”

“I did.”

I held my hands out. “Why?”

“I wanted to see, if the boxes were there.”

“Were they?”

“Yes. I grabbed them, piled each one in my truck, and drove to an abandoned parking lot outside of what used to be a diner. Now it’s closed.”

My heartbeat sped up. I tried to calm myself. “And?”

“I had Kevin do one last hack to Wyatt’s agency. He sent a message saying that their missing boxes were at the specified location. And then he shut off his computer.”

My hands starting shaking. Anxiety replaced the peace I had before he came home. Now the pounding of fear was louder than his words. “Then?”

“We waited farther away. Somewhere hidden, but enough to see if they would grab them.” Yoshiro stepped into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and nodded. “Wow. We’re ready for a big dinner.”

“Did they grab the boxes or not?”

“They did. Two guys came in suits, picked up the boxes, loaded them in the vans, and left.” Yoshiro pulled out a bottle of water and closed the fridge. “We waited for another hour. Nothing happened. Kevin turned on his computer. He had a message in his email. All it said was Thank You.”

My heart beats calmed.

Yoshiro twisted the top off the bottle and drank a little.

I stepped closer to him. “So. . .do you think that’s it?”

He finished drinking and nodded. “If the universe loves us, then that’s it. Of course they’re probably monitoring us. If I was them, I would. Their only worries will be how much we know and what we will tell others.”

“We don’t know anything.”

“Exactly. That should keep us safe. I left the boxes alone, when I grabbed them this second time. Kept the gloves on. They’ll see that we won’t contact any authorities. That we’ll just be living our lives.”

I sighed. “And they should leave us alone.”

“Exactly. And if not, then we’ll take care of them.”


He set the water bottle down and pulled me to him. “We’ll be fine. They have bigger battles than us.”

I leaned my head against his chest. “Are we done now?”

“As far as I know.” Yoshiro seemed so contained. So controlled. It made me at ease. If there was one thing that I’d learned in this chaotic month, Yoshiro knew about navigating murky waters of violence and insanity. If he was relaxed, I would be too. And if the moment rose to fight, then we would do it side-by-side.

“So, that’s the end,” I whispered.

“It’s all over.”

I looked up into that handsome face. He’d become my salvation. My protection from all horror lingering within cold shadows.

My voice went low. “Promise.”

“I promise.” And then he lifted and tossed me over his right shoulder.

“Yoshiro! What are you doing?”

“I’m taking you upstairs.”

Laughing, I hit his back. “You could’ve just asked.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” He carried me up the steps. “Sometimes I like being a barbarian. Additionally, I’m full of adrenaline that I didn’t get to use.”

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t use it—”


“Excuse me, if I don’t want you prowling through people’s house without them knowing or engaging in dangerous shootouts.”

We made it to the top of the stairs and entered his room.

I lowered my voice. “Put me down, crazy man.”

“Not until you’re in my bed.” His door shut behind us. Without turning on the light, he lay me on the bed. “Unfortunately, I’m going to have to take all of this aggression and adrenaline out on your pussy.”

I opened my mouth in shock.

He yanked off his sweater and undid his pants. “My apologies now.”

“And if I say no.”

He stepped out of his pants. “You wouldn’t say no to me.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re falling for me, just like I’m falling for you.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024