Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense - Page 102

Pushing the point further, he groaned. “This is mine. Only mine.”

Those possessive words sounded so sexy. I loved how he longed to own me. Surely, I wanted him all to myself too.

He gripped my ass hard with both of his hands and shoved that cock in and out of me.

“Oh!” I lifted my head. “Take it all.”

“You’re fucking right I will. All damn night too.” He pumped into me. “This is only the beginning.”

His thick long, cock pushed in and out. My clit rubbed against the bed sheets with delicious friction.

“All day I thought of this.” He grunted.

And then the sex shifted to something more. Erotically rough. Sensually deep. Yoshiro thrust harder into my pussy, smacking my ass and bumping his cock’s tip against my sweet spot.

“Yo-yo.” I bucked against him, urging him for more, hardly able to control myself.

“This pussy is perfect. Incredible. And all fucking mine.”

“Yo-yo!” A tidal wave of molten hot pleasure drowned me. My orgasm came that quick. My body spasmed in release.

“Oh, fuck!”

“I’m coming.”

“Me too, baby.” He bucked hard into me, riding the climax with me. “Me too.”

Time blurred into ecstasy. Our grunts and moans rose in the air. Unfortunately the whole house probably heard. I hoped to God not.

When we finally came down from those pleasureful moments, Yoshiro pulled out, climbed off me, and crashed next to me on the bed. “Damn it. I wanted to fuck you longer.”

Breathless, I whispered, “I’m not going anywhere. We have time.”

“Your pussy is so damn good. I don’t know if I want to do anything else but push and pull inside of it.”

I laughed.

“I’m pussy-whipped, woman.”

“Stop it.”

“I am.” He lifted and kissed my cheek. “You know what you’re doing to me.”

“I’m innocent, Yoshiro. You’re the one dominating me.”

He lay back down and let out a long breath. “Bullshit.”

And there we lay on the bed, exhausted and trying to catch our breaths.

“I should buy condoms.” Yoshiro lifted a few of my dreadlocks and played with them. “I can’t stop myself, when I come. I should pull out, but I’ve been too selfish. I don’t want to.”



“I didn’t think about condoms. I’ve just been happily getting dick and coming.” I sighed. “I have no idea where my sense of responsibility has gone.”

“You’ve had a lot of things on your mind. Don’t beat yourself up.” Scooting over, Yoshiro pressed his face close to mine. Our skin smoothed against the other. “You’re the best mother I know, and the strongest woman on this planet.”

“Thank you. And of course you are my superhero in every way.”

“Hmmm.” He kissed my cheek. “Is it the trench coat? Tell me the truth.”

“Oh God.”

“It’s the trench coat.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

Chapter 30

Date Night


I woke up to an empty bed. I frowned, not liking that Ebony wasn’t there. I was slowly getting used to her warm body lying next to me. I rose and listened for any of the familiar sounds of my new reality—kids laughing, dogs barking, or pots clanking as Ebony made breakfast.

None came.

What’s going on?

I rose, dressed, and headed downstairs to check it out. The dogs met me in the hallway.

I sucked my teeth at them. “You two little traitors.”

Pepa licked my hand as if to ask for forgiveness. Salt trotted next to me.

When I got downstairs, I spotted something ahead.

A note lay on the table.

Dear Yoshiro,

We’re on a mission to tie up loose ends. Don’t worry. We’ll be back soon, and I promise not to tear the trench.

Ebony and the gang.

I shook my head, checked the coat hanger, and laughed. Ebony had really taken my trench coat.

Very funny, Ebony. I’ll get revenge on your pussy later.

Yawning, I went to the microwave. A stack of pancakes sat on a plate.

Well, at least they didn’t forget about me.

I sat down and ate.

Kevin stumbled in afterwards. “Hey, I think you’re eating my pancakes.”

“These are mine.”

“The kids always leave some for me in the microwave.”

“That’s my food.”

“I doubt it.” He yawned again and rummaged in the cupboard. “A man must make his own breakfast this morning. What kind of atrocity is this?”

I frowned at him. “I think it’s safe for you to go back to your apartment.”

“I don’t think so.” Kevin brought over some cereal, a bowl, spoon, and milk. “I think I’ll need to stay for a year. I’m enjoying the cooking and fun.”

I sighed and continued with my pancakes.

“You have a sweet situation over here. I’m proud of you.” Kevin filled his bowl with cereal and then poured in some milk. “You think anymore will come of it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Living here full time. Marriage. All of the things normal adults do when they fall for each other.” He dug into the bowl with his spoon. “Or maybe it’s too soon for you both to be thinking about it?”

I took another bite. “I don’t know.”

“Do you want marriage?”

“I want anything with Ebony as long as she’ll give it to me.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024