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Redemption: AmBw Romantic Suspense

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We had a small wedding a month later in the back of the yard, only inviting less than thirty people. Ebony thought she was the biggest bride to ever walk down an aisle. I found her more beautiful than ever.

And now we would be making more memories.

Staring out the window, I looked beyond the kids and dogs, wondering what the hell was taking Kevin so long.

They should’ve been here by now.

My hands shook.

“Relax, baby. They’ll be on the way.” Ebony waddled in.

Nine months pregnant, she was ready to explode. She’d gotten self-conscious about her weight, not understanding that her ass had gotten fatter and those breasts were even plumper. Constantly, I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. Still, she attempted to eat healthy while I made her pies and cakes, tempting my lovely new wife with sweets and wanting her to keep that weight.

“Kevin hasn’t been answering his phone.” I checked mine, put the device back in my pocket, and frowned. “Why isn’t he answering?”

“Because you’ve already called and talked to him ten times.” Ebony got to my side and leaned next to me. “You should’ve went to the airport yourself. Kevin could’ve stayed with me. I’m not due until next week.”

“No way, I’m leaving you at the house, when you’re so close.” I pulled her into my arms, hugged her from behind, and put my hands on that swollen belly. “I don’t want to miss the baby coming.”

“Speaking of the baby. We still have to figure out a name.”

“We don’t know, if it’s a girl or boy.”

“I told you we could have a name picked for both genders.”

I checked the window again. “I can’t stick with one name. I think our baby is going to end up with five.”

She shook her head.

The dogs barked.

I leaned to the side to see what they were barking at. Kevin’s truck ambled down the long road.

“Fuck.” I trembled against her.

“Don’t be nervous.” Ebony turned around and tried to hug me, but the belly got in the way. “She’s your mom. Trust me as a mom who knows, she is just as excited to see you too.”

“What the fuck am I going to say?”

“You’ve talked on the phone tons of times this year. Just say, ‘Hey Mom. I’m glad you’re here.’”

I ran my fingers through my hair. “This might’ve been too soon.”

“It hasn’t. Since you called her at your aunt’s house last Christmas, you both have been talking twice a month at least. She wouldn’t have come, if she didn’t want to.”

“I bought the ticket. I know my mom. She might’ve felt guilty to say no—”

“Stop it.” Ebony grabbed the sides of my face. “It’s going to be okay. Do you believe me?”

I closed my eyes. “Yes.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“And I’ve got your back.”

I opened my eyes and gazed out the window.

My mother had already left Kevin’s truck. So many years had gone by, she walked slower now, wearing a long violet jacket and using a cane. Her long black hair had grayed. Today, she had it in a bun in the back of her head.

She waved to the kids as they rushed her way. When she got to Poppy, she hugged her even longer than the others. Every time, my mother had called, Poppy would jump on the phone to tell my mother about her day at school.

My eyes watered. “My mother is really here.”

Ebony smiled. “She is, so take your ass down there and say hello.”

I blew out a long breath and headed that way. When I got to the door, I glanced back. “You’re not coming?”

“I guess.” She rolled her eyes. “But I’ve been trying to hide out from mine. I just told her I was going upstairs to sleep.”

“Your mother is awesome.” I held my hand out. “Come on.”

“To you she is. That’s because she thinks you are the best thing since sunshine.” Ebony shook her head. “I don’t know why we decided to invite her.”

“Stop complaining.” I squeezed her hand. “I thought it was a great idea. Besides, both mothers will sleep in the guest house out back, so you don’t have to deal with yours twenty-four seven.”

“True.” She sighed. “You think those two will get along in the back house.”

“They have some things in common and we made the place so comfortable, I doubt they’ll leave.”

Ebony’s face shifted to horror. “Don’t even joke like that. My mother has to leave.”

“Would it be so bad to have both grandmothers here?”

“Hey, maybe your mother, but mine. . .that’s a bit much. I like miles between us.”

I laughed as we headed downstairs, taking my time as Ebony kept a slow pace.

Mrs. Williams spotted Ebony. “Ebony, now, you need to sit down somewhere or that baby is going to pop out.”

“I’m going with Yoshiro outside to meet his mother.”

“Up the stairs and down the stairs.” Mrs. Williams shook her head and then smiled at me. “You wouldn’t believe it, but I taught Ebony better.”

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