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My Brother’s Best Friends

Page 27

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I barely stopped myself from cackling at the horrified look on Hank’s face. Squeezing Margaret’s hands, I drew her attention back to me. “Could I bring dinner over for you and Mr. Folly soon? I’d love to catch up and tell you all about how I’ve followed your skating career and how proud I am of you. Today, I was just hoping to catch Megan if she’s in. I heard she was working for the park department.”

“Oh! You’re making an old woman’s day. Of course, you have to come over for dinner. It’d probably be polite of me to insist on cooking, but I’ve heard all about your skills from your brother and Vince would murder me if I didn’t let him taste your cooking.” She hugged me tight again and then pointed to a rocket-shaped hallway. “Megan, who is the entire parks department, is the third door on the right. She’s in.”

“Thank you. I’ll call you to work out dinner.”

“You’d better.”

I walked away from her feeling a warmth in my chest that I hadn’t ever felt in LA. Being around people who knew my parents, people who loved them, people who still loved my brother, it made a difference. I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay in Lunar because that seemed insane, but it felt like what I needed at that point in time.

The closer I got to Megan’s door, however, the warmth was replaced with more nerves. Outside of her office, I studied her name on the planet-shaped plaque and then raised my hand to knock. I just had to face her and rip off the bandaid.

Before I could knock, the door opened and I found myself face to face with my childhood best friend, the girl who’d been there for me through everything, the girl I’d left behind when I ran away.

Her eyes narrowed when she spotted me and I watched her jaw harden. Her thick curly hair was the same bright orange shade it’d been through childhood and her vibrant green eyes could still make me feel about an inch tall, apparently.

I lowered my hand and offered a slow smile. “Hey.”

She gritted her teeth and stepped around me. “Nice of you to stop by finally.”

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